muscle knots causes and symptoms

Muscle knots: causes, symptoms and home remedies

4 years ago

Muscle knots are sensitive bump-like areas of muscles that cause pain in touching. In medical terms, they are also known as Myofascial trigger points. When the muscle fibers and tissue band called fascia get tense and hard, muscle knots formed. These trigger points can be developed in any part of the body but usually found in your back, shoulders, neck, and Hip area. You can feel the swollen and tight bump when you press a muscle knot. They’re sensitive to touch.

What causes muscle knots to form?

These trigger points in muscle can be formed due to factors like stress, anxiety, injuries, sedentary lifestyle (No stretching and movement), Unhealthy eating habits, overtiredness, and dehydration.

Common symptoms of Muscle knots

If you’re suffering from muscle knots, you will experience symptoms like muscle pain, muscle tightness, poor muscle strength and performance, fatigue, and stress.

Home Treatment options for Muscle Knots

Muscle knots or myofascial trigger points can be treated with simple home remedies. Professional doctors or orthopedics treatment is necessary only when there is no benefit seen by home remedies.

Follow some of the home remedies to get rid of the muscle knots

1. Give rest to the body from certain activities that seem to cause muscle knots. If you’re having a sedentary lifestyle, take a break from that and give relaxation to the body.

2. Doing body stretching can help release the tension from the body and reduce your chances of developing muscle knots. Be gentle with yourself as you stretch. Don’t do something that causes pain.

Image Source: Google

3. Physical exercises are always recommended by orthopedicians in joint pain and muscle pain. To get relief from muscle knot, aerobic exercises should be done. This will increase the blood supply and loosens the muscle fibers.

4. Applying a heating pad or ice pack to the affected area can also alleviate the pain and inflammation. Cold therapy helps to constrict the blood vessel, which reduces swelling whereas Heat pad relaxes and loosens stiff muscles, and relieves pain.  

hot cold therapy
Image Source: Google
Heat/Ice pack

5. You can self massage the trigger points with gentle hands. Apply steady pressure on the point for a few seconds and release, will help to loosen tight muscle fibers.

self massage
Self Massage trigger Points
Image Source: Google

You can also prevent the formation of muscle knots just by following good sitting posture and maintain an active lifestyle that would include physical exercise and healthy eating habits. Your diet must contain calcium, potassium, and magnesium, and you should keep your body hydrated by drinking enough water.

Also, if by doing home remedies you are not getting relief from myofascial trigger points, do consult a doctor, physical therapist, or orthopedist to check the root cause of the pain as sometimes, swollen lymph nodes also misunderstood as muscle knots.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. does not claim responsibility for this information.

Knee replacement surgeon

Seema Jain

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