yoga poses for back pain

Yoga for back pain | Yoga Awareness

3 years ago

If you observe your body clearly, you see that the human body is essentially divided into two parts, the upper part and the lower parts that are designed with complete differences in their functions. The lower region of the body mainly contains all the biggest bones and large muscles. While in the upper body, we have the spine. The spine is designed to support an assured amount of weight of the body, even a slight overload in the spine may frame a significant amount of problem in the body, as the spine is a fine-drawn 33 pieces of bone interlocked in a specified manner. 

Resolving the spine issue from yoga

Practicing yoga allows enhancing the range of movement in the spine and helps the practitioner to shed off the extra weight from the body.

Here I’m discussing the general issue or reasons associated with the back pain and figure out what yoga carries for them as a solution!

Yoga to heal Muscle strain

Muscle strain is caused by the tearing of the muscle or tissue connecting to the bone. The strain can root swelling, stiffness, and limited movement of the affected area. The main reasons for muscle strain in the body are poor flexibility, fatigue, poor conditioning of the muscles, etc. The top 3 yoga poses to help you heal muscle strain are listed below:-

  1. Mountain pose ( Tadasana )

Tadasana or Mountain pose creates an intense stretch ranging from the toe of the feet to the neck. In mountain pose, the head is aligned with the widespread shoulders lifted ribs and feet are parallel to each other.


Benefits of mountain pose

  • It corrects the posture of the body and strengthens the thigh, knee, and ankle area.
  • Reduces the excess fat in the upper region of the body and prepares the spine to hold the weight of the upper region effectively.
  • It creates a balance in the body and allows the practitioner to feel more relaxed and stable.
  • The pose reduces the stiffness in the back region and opens up the front region of the body.

Boat pose ( Navasana )

Navasana or boat pose is the finest pose designed to develop strength in the core and lower spine regions of the body. It allows the spine to extend tall and holding the upper region of the body such that the legs are raised to an angle of 45 degrees with knees and eyebrows maintaining a straight line.

boat pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of the pose

  • Boat pose releases the stiffness in the back and hip region. It allows the practitioner to gain the same range of motion by improving the flexibility and strength of the body.
  • Holding the pose for 20 seconds initially and then increasing the time will help to develop the muscularity in the core regions of the body
  • It tones the buttocks, calf muscles, and, ankles.

Downward facing dog ( Adho Mukha savasana )

Adho Mukha savasana is the most dynamic pose of all the therapeutic yoga sessions as it does everything. Literally everything! In this posture, the body forms a shape of a downward dog with the head trying to touch the ground. You can start withholding the stretch from 30 seconds to 1 minute and then slowly increase the holding time accordingly.

Image Source: Google

Benefits of downward dog pose

  • Adho Mukha savasana stretches the complete body in one go, and provides strength in legs, build bones, and helps with lower back and hamstring injuries.
  • As the blood flow will be more towards the head, it releases the stress and lowers the blood pressure.
  • Lowering the neck and trying to touch it to the ground develops an extended stretch directing the back and neck region and improves its elasticity.

Herniated disc

The spine is made up of bones shield by discs. The disc secures the bones by absorbing the shocks caused through daily activities like walking, turning, and lifting. Reasons for slip disc include overweight, lifting heavy objects, aging ( as the disc begins to lose its insulating water content), weak muscles, etc. There are some yoga asanas that can save you from the excruciating back pain, want to know more? Read on!

Camel pose (ustrasana)

Camel pose is a kneel bending asana, considered as a difficult pose for neck and tight shoulders. If you are a beginner it is recommended to perform the pose under a verified yoga teacher or you can ask someone to watch you performing and corrects you. You can use blocks in the beginning if you are uncomfortable with the pose or you can do some modifications in the pose based on your health conditions.

camel pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of the pose

  • The pose stretches the thighs, abdomen, and chest region. it opens up the heart and shoulder area
  • This pose helps you to improve your overall posture of the body and promotes strength in the lower back region.
  • Holding the pose for long releases the fatigue, menstruation disorders, and mild backache.

Locust pose ( salabhasana )

Locust pose is a deep backbend pose that incorporates the benefits of other poses like dhanurasana (bow pose), and cobra pose (bhujrang asana). It is one of the most challenging poses in yoga which seems to be simple and interesting at one glance.

locust pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of locust pose

  • Locust or grasshopper pose allows you to strengthen your back muscles and prepares a strong core for your body.
  • The pose helps to improve the structure by stretching the shoulders, chest thighs, and belly region.
  • As the body rests on the belly, it energizes the abdominal organs and tones the area.

Cobra pose (bhujang asana)

If you are a beginner with a herniated disc, you can start your journey with a pose like this. Cobra pose is a perfect blend of balance, bend, and flexibility. You can support yourself with your arms, with your back bent backward, and neck continuing the flow. Initially, you can start with the height you are comfortable with and then increase it slowly.

cobra pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of cobra pose

  • This backward bending poses assist in straightening your ligaments along with muscles that continue to keep the damaged disc in its position.
  • Posture makes the spine stable and strong while maintaining its flexibility.


The sideways curving of the spine is termed as Scoliosis. It arises often during puberty or just before puberty. It is observed in most of the cases that performing yogic postures strengthens the spinal muscles and reduce the curve. The national scoliosis foundation recommended that practicing the below mentioned 3 yoga poses helps to reduce the spine curvature, providing them the required flexibility.

Cat-Cow pose

Cat cow poses in yoga is specially designed to promote flexibility in the back and stretch the body to prepare it for other activities. It is a gentle flow between the pose that allows the practitioner to focus on its breath in coordination with the spine movement, and encourage the breath to become slow and as deep as possible. 

cat cow yoga asan
Image Source: Google

Benefits of the pose

  • Spinal movement coordinated with deep and slow breaths tranquilizes the movement of breath in the body.
  • The curving of the spine allows stimulation of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Practicing cat-cow pose opens up the chest and the front portion of the body, and provides a sense of openness all around.
  • The gentle movement in the spine warms the body and provides a stretch in the back, neck, abdomen, and chest area.

Balasana (child pose)

The child pose is a classic yoga pose, practiced in every yoga class to have an in-between rest between the postures. The forward bending pose allows creating an extra stretch in the lower region of the hips and spine. The pose is widely used in the treatment of scoliosis and has the following benefits:-

child pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of Balasanas

  • It rejuvenates the energy in the nervous system and allows to relax the muscles adjoining the vertebrae of the spine.
  • It creates the stretch in the entire back along with shoulders, neck, and arms. As the headrests below, it promotes the blood flow in the brain region

Trikonasana ( Triangle pose)

The emphasis in this stretch is more on one of the sides as the feet are separated and the practitioner maintains a balance in the body. The posture gives an intense stretch in the lower back of the spine and legs. The posture shapes the body in the form of a triangle, with the body pointing in particular directions. The benefits of trikonasana are as follows:-

triangle pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of the pose

  • This posture tones the legs and waist. It helps to reduce fat from the sides of the back, legs, and arms.
  • The disciplined practice of the posture reduces the curvature in the spine and enhance flexibility
  • Promotes strength and balance in the body.


Osteoporosis is the condition of diminished bone density causing them to be fragile and splintery over time. Osteoporosis occurred due to low calcium intake in the early stages of development. Our body continuously absorbs and replaces the old bone tissues, a person with osteoporosis doesn’t keep up with this bone creation on the removal of the old bone. A study in 2009 noticed that practicing yoga consistently improves the balance and maintains the bone density in the body. Here I’m discussing the top three yoga poses that can help you with your treatment of osteoporosis.

Big toe pose ( Padangusthasana )

Padangusthasana is one of the basic poses practiced in yoga in various sequences. This forward bend encourages you to hold your toe with your knees straight and buttocks aligned with your ankle. If you are a beginner, you can check some beginner yoga poses to start your daily yoga at home. It is recommended that if you are unable to touch your toe in initial stages, you can start with a simple forward bend of the body and then stretching it to hold the toes slowly.

Big toe pose
Image Source: Google

 Benefits of the pose

  • Ensure the blood flow in the head area and relieves headache and insomnia.
  • Strengthen the thigh and calf muscles, and  provide flexibility in the hamstrings and calves
  • Revitalize the digestive system

Bridge pose ( Setu bandha sarvangasana )

It is a shoulder assisted pose and is known as invert back bending asana in hatha yoga. This pose provides a collective benefit of stretching, vitalizing, and strengthening of the body.

Bridge pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of bridge pose

  • Bridge pose helps to restore the flexibility of the spine and removing the stiffness in the lower back regions of the body.
  • It improves digestion by toning the abdominal organs.
  • Practicing the pose relieves the menstrual discomfort and also helps to alleviate the prodrome of menopause

Extended side angle pose (utthita parsvakonasana )

The extended side angle pose allows you to shift your body weight onto the forward foot. You can also ask your partner to help you achieve precision in the pose or you can do some modification in the pose depending upon your health conditions.

extended side angle pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of extended side angle pose

  • Regular practicing of the poses builds up the stamina in the body
  • Holding the pose for extended periods allows you to achieve balance in the system and promotes bone density.


Obesity disorder involves excessive body weight in the stomach that pulls the pelvis forward and stresses the lower back, resulting in pain in the lower back region of the body.  To compensate with this you can also go through my article yoga for weight loss, or you can practice the following yoga poses to start

Boat pose ( Paripurna Navasana )

Boat pose is practiced by balancing the body sitting on the tail bone, keeping the hands and legs parallel to each other. It challenges the practitioner to raise the legs to the point that the big toe and eyebrow makes an imaginary straight line.

Boat pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of boat pose

  • nourish the abdomen muscles
  • Improves digestion
  • Stabilize the lower region of the spine and promotes toning of legs and core muscles

Seated foreward bend ( paschimottasana )

The pose falls in the category of the seated yoga poses and considered as a suitable pose for beginners. You can also check some beginner’s yoga posses if you are a beginner and want to explore more. Also, this pose is well suitable for the seniors and helps them to promote the blood flow in the body. You can also check yoga for seniors’ articles to dig deep into the poses designed for them.

seated forward bend pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of paschimottasana

  • The pose stretches the spine, hamstrings, and legs and develops flexibility
  • The posture calms the mind and helps to relieve mild depression
  • Effective to reduce obesity and increases appetite.

Warrior pose II (virbhadrasana )

The pose is named on the incarnation of shiva and targets to increase the length and strength of the arms.

warrior pose
Image Source: Google

Benefits of virbhadrasana

  • Creates a wide stretch in the back, shoulders, and chest
  • Relieves back pain faced by the women in their trimester of pregnancy.
  • beneficial in osteoporosis.

So try doing all these yoga poses for relieving from back pain.

Deepshikha Gupta

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