World Thalassemia day: The dawning of a new era for thalassemia

World Thalassemia Day: The dawning of a new era for thalassemia

3 years ago

Every year on 8 May, World Thalassemia Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the thalassemia disease and ways to live with it. World Thalassemia Day was founded by the Thalassemia International Federation (TIF) which is a non-profit organization and actively organized the celebration of the event with the associated members in several countries.

World Thalassemia DAy 2020

According to the federation, about 3.4 % of the total people are suffering from thalassemia disease. Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that passes from one generation to another and destroys red blood cells. This day is celebrated to honor all patients suffering from thalassemia and to all scientists who are working hard and trying to provide improved quality of life to people with thalassemia across the globe.

World Thalassemia Day:  Theme for Thalassemia Day 2020

This year’s theme for world thalassemia day is “The dawning of a new era for thalassemia: Time for a global effort to make novel therapies accessible and affordable to patients” decided by international federation thalassemia (TIF). The following theme is selected on the basis of scientific developments and innovative therapies that are changing the course of this disorder and hence improving the quality of life.

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What is Thalassemia Disease?

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that passes from parents to children. A Thalassemic person is one who has less hemoglobin than normal and fewer red blood cells in the body. Hemoglobin enables red blood cells to carry oxygen. Types of thalassemia:

  • Alpha thalassemia– when the subunit hemoglobin (an alpha globin protein) is missing.
  • Beta thalassemia- when defected genes affect the production of the beta-globin protein, which is also a subunit of hemoglobin.

Symptoms of thalassemia disease:

The symptoms of thalassemia may include:

  • Pale skin
  • Dark urine
  • Fatigue and drowsiness
  • Facial bone deformities
  • Chest pain
  • Cold hands and feet

The treatment of thalassemia depends on the severity of the disease involved. Treatment of thalassemia includes bone marrow transplant, blood transfusions, medication, and supplements.


How to manage thalassemia at home

Thalassemia patients can do some lifestyle changes to improve the quality of their lives with prescribed supplements and medication.

1.Follow a healthy diet- take food that is rich in calcium, vitamin D, and Folic acid such foods will keep you energized.

  • Foods to avoid if you have thalassemia– Thalassemia patients should avoid tofu, beans, green leafy vegetables, spinach, dates, watermelon, broccoli, raisins, and peas.
  • Foods to eat if you have thalassemia– Maize, wheat bran, yogurt, nuts, cheese, milk, oats, soy, olive oil, and rice.

2. Protect yourself from infections- Wash your hands regularly, and stay away from people who have any seasonal infections or flu.

3. Avoid excess iron- due to regular blood transfusions, thalassemia patients are often prone to suffering from an over-accumulation of iron in their bodies that can cause risk of liver diseases like fibrosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, and risk of heart failure.   

This year TIF has canceled all physical activities of World Thalassemia Day and will conduct only online events due to COVID-19.


Disclaimer:  This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. does not claim responsibility for this information.

Shruti Jain

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