world-meterorological day 2020

World meteorological day 2020: Every Drop count

4 years ago

The United Nations every year celebrates world meteorological day to acknowledge the entry into force of the convention establishing the world meteorological organization in March 1950. All member country celebrates world meteorological day. The day draws attention to the contribution made by the national meteorological and hydrological services for the well-being and safety of society.

World meteorological day 2020 theme: Count every drop, Every drop counts

World Meteorological Organization announces a theme and slogan every year. This year’s slogan is “count every drop, every drop counts”. The theme for this year is climate and water in alignment with the theme of world water day 2020 that was on March 22. The theme count every drop explains that we can’t manage what we do not measure. Hydrological monitoring and forecasting data can be used in Effective flood and drought policy implementation. Without monitoring surface water, groundwater and reservoirs, improving water use efficiency cannot be calculated.

 Freshwater is important for life. On average, an individual cannot live without water for more than three days. Water is necessary for each and every living organism of this earth. There is an urgent need to improve monitoring, forecasting and, management of water supply and to deal with the problem of excessive, insufficient or very polluted water.

On World Meteorological Day many events are organized like conferences and exhibitions for meteorological professionals, the general public, and some prizes for research in meteorological are also presented.


Shruti Jain

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