World Environment Day: Objective and How to celebrate
1 year ago
World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June as the biggest international day for the environment. The UN General Assembly designated 5th June as World Environment Day (WED). This year is the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day. In 1973, first time World Environment Day was celeberated under the slogan “ Only One Earth”. In 2023, World Environment Day theme is #BeatplasticPollution.
UN General Assembly’s aim is to celebrate World Environment Day to raise awareness among people about environmental problems such as sea level increase, plastic pollution, air pollution, food security and many others and also how to reduce all these problems.
Objectives of World Environment Day
- World Environment Day is celebrated to make people aware about the environment.
- Efforts are made to bring communities, industries and other people together to save the environment.
- The purpose of this day is to take attention to environmental issues and not take nature for granted.
World Environment Day 2023 Theme: #BeatplasticPollution
Every year millions of tons of plastic are produced which affect our environment. The packaging sector is the largest producer of single use plastic waste in the world. Approx 36 % of plastic produced is used in packaging, 85% of which end up in landfills or as mismanaged waste. 100 million pounds of plastic enters the ocean from the industrial sector. 60% of material made into clothing is plastic. Laundry alone causes around 500000 tonnes of plastic microfibers to be released into the ocean every year. These all things are harmful for the environment. That’s why World Environment Day 2023 year’s theme is Beat plastic pollution.
To beat plastic pollution we should take these steps:-
- Taxes should be increased on single used products and taxes decreased on reusable products.
- If plastic products are unavoidable then they should be reused until they are no longer to be used.
- Stop taking plastic bags, bring your own bags to the grocery store and if possible purchase locally and seasonal food that require less plastic packaging.
- Recycle bottle, cans, cardboards and papers.
- Consider your milk delivered in glass bottles which are reused and recycled instead of plastic print.
- Don’t use plastic bottles, these all are found on beaches. These all ended with seabirds stomach.
- When it comes to food, buy in bulk if you are buying in little than it requires more packaging.
- Say no to plastic straws, folks and spoons and use reusable straws made from bamboo, steal and glass.
How to celebrate World Environment Day
1 By Planting Trees– By planting trees you can celebrate World Environment day. You can plant trees in your home or nearby places. Trees reduce the air pollution as well as keep the surrounding cool. You can also create a beautiful home garden to save the environment and makes your home beautiful.
2 Avoid Plastic Bags- By avoiding plastic bags, you can save the environment. Replace Plastic bags with Jute Bags or handmade bags. It is environmentally safe to use handmade or jute bags.
3 Reduce, Re-Use & Recycle – You all are aware of 3Rs. Firstly, Reduce means you should minimize products that come in single use packing like milk. Secondly, Reuse means you should reuse the products like bottles, jars and boxes. Thirdly, Recycling means you should recycle the fruits and vegetables peels, leftover food and use them to produce nutritious soil.
4 Plan up a Community clean – Keep your community clean. Start with parks, roads, beaches, rivers wherever you live, keep your surroundings clean. Keep the Dustbin in the parks and on the roads.
5 Donate to Non-Profit Organizations:– There are many non profit organizations that help to clean the environment and you can donate to those non profit organizations and help them indirectly in saving the environment.
6 Spread Awareness – You can spread awareness on World Environment Day. If you did and have something new to save the environment then tell people about it, share posts on social media. You can also join the local community and share your knowledge and ideas with the local community. This will inspire people to save the environment and care for nature.
7. Walk or Ride Bicycle – Going car free for the day will reduce the air pollution. One day a week, going by bicycle will save the environment or if your daily commute is not so far, then use public transport like buses, trains, and Carpooling with friends or coworkers.
8. Participating in World Environment Day events – Take part in events to save the environment. These events include activities such as planting trees, saving water, recycling things, reusing things, using public transport, and carpooling.
9. Save Electricity – Turn off lights, Tv appliances, Air conditioner when not required. Open your windows in early falls. Sit with nature and enjoy the beauty in morning and evening. It saves electricity.
The reason behind celebrating World Environment day is to keep our environment clean and safe. By planting trees, saving electricity, saving water, avoiding plastic bags and reducing, reusing and recycling are some major steps from which we can save our environment. We should also use resources efficiently and effectively.