Happy Mothers Day 2023: When & Why it is celebrated; Mother’s day wishes
1 year ago
Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May month. This year Mother’s Day will be celebrated on 14th May 2023. Mother’s Day is celebrated to make mother feel special who is engaged in children for 365 days without thinking about herself. Mother is the one who keeps child in her womb for 9 months. The day a chid is born, a mother is born. This is the only day when a child cries and a mother is happy, but after that, if a child cries, mother feels the most pain.

It is the mother who teaches her children how to take the first step, to speak, to get up and sit. There is no one like mother in the world. You all must have heard that only mothers are worshiped after God because she is the who supports her child at every step. A mother feeds her children first before eating anything. She sacrifices her whole life for children without any selfishness. When children have exams, mother worries the most. She becomes happy in the happiness of the children and sad in the sorrow of the children.

To make them feel special, children do not allow their mothers to do any work on mother’s day. Few prepare a special breakfast for their mother and wish their mother Happy Mother’s Day, some take her out for shopping, few spend time with them, some give flowers or greeting cards. Home is incomplete without a mother. Mother’s day is a very lovely day for children and mothers, as they celebrate it by spending time with each other.

History of Mother’s Day
Anna Jarvis started the practice of celebrating Mother’s Day. When Anna Jarvis was 12 years old, she heard her mother Ann Reeves Jarvis wish. Ann Reeves Jarvis used to teach at the church on Sundays, then one day she was told that Mother’s Day would be celebrated in the coming time. Ann Jarvis’s mother wanted that mothers should also be given respect. 2 years after the death of Ann Reeves Jarvis, Ann Jarvis applied to the court to fulfill her mother’s dreams. Mother’s Day was celebrated for the first time in 1908. Anna Jarvis wanted to celebrate Mother’s Day only by giving flowers, but people made it a business like giving expensive gifts. This was not liked by Anna, after which she appealed to the court to remove this day from the calendar but it did not happen.

Ways to celebrate Mother’s Day this year :-
- Watch a movie together
- Make a card for the mother
- Give them flowers
- Decorate the corner of the house for the mother
- Cook your mother’s favorite food
- Get out! go for a walk in the park, or take mom on a picnic
- Give homemade gifts to your mother
- Bake her favorite dessert

Mothers day Wishes 2023
- “Happy Mothers Day! Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. It’s more than we can ever repay you!”
- Mom, thanks for everything that I inherited from you and thank you for bringing me to this world. Happy Mothers Day.
- “Thank you for laughing with us in the best of times and sticking with us through the worst of times! What would we do without you?”
- You are the all-season fruitful tree of my life, and you are the reason for my wide smile. Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy.
- “Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for always being the shining example of what I wanted to be like when I grew up!”
- I haven’t seen God and don’t even want to because I see you. Happy Mother’s Day Maa
- Thank you for your never-ending love and support. Mom! I hope your day is full of love and happiness. Happy Mother’s Day!
- ”I love you and wish you the best Mothers Day!”
- “Wishing you a calm and relaxing Mothers Day. You deserve to be pampered!”
- “Thank you for every hug, word of encouragement, and acts of love you’ve given me. Happy Mother’s Day!”
- “Mother’s Day is every day when you have a gift of a child like me!”
- “Happy Mother’s Day, and thank you for your service. We salute you.”
- “Happy Mother’s Day! We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Literally.”
- Thank you for being the only Mother in the world who would love a crazy child like me.”
- “Happy Mother’s Day! I promise today I’ll pick up my room. Maybe.
- Happy Mother’s Day to all the lovely mothers in the world.
- Happy Mother’s Day Mom! I feel so blessed to have you as my mom. Thanks for always believing in me and doing so much for me. I love you!
- Have a wonderful Mother’s Day Mum! I love you more than words can say!