World laughter Day: Laughing is the cheapest medicine

World laughter Day: Laughing is the cheapest medicine

4 years ago

The most powerful and strongest emotion of human beings is called laughter. That is what World Laughter Day is for! It is a day when people can relieve some stress and laugh.

Every year on the first Sunday of May World Laughter day is celebrated, this year it is on May 3.  The World laughter day was introduced by Dr. Madan Kataria, in 1988, the founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga Movement. Dr. Madan started the Laughter Yoga movement with an aim that a person’s facial expressions can influence their emotions. Laughter builds a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship. The first World Laughter Day was celebrated on 11 January 1998 in Mumbai, India.

Health Benefits of laughter

  1. Lowers blood pressure: laughing can lower your blood pressure. This can lower your risk of a stroke or a heart attack.
  2. Burns calories– Laughing is like a mini-workout. When you laugh out loud, the stomach muscles expand and contract just as when you are doing the workout.
  3. Stress buster: When you laugh, the facial muscles send signals to the brain to release neurotransmitters called endorphins. The endorphins act as natural pain killers, make you feel happy and reduce stress levels.
  4. An immune booster: Laughter boosts your immune system. Your immune system consists of T-cells that are activated when you laugh. T-cells can help you to fight off sickness.
  5. It feels good: Smiles bring optimism with them! If you laugh a lot, you’re going to be more of a positive person, and it can keep negative thoughts out of your life.

Thus celebrate the World Laughter day 2020 with your family during the lockdown and you can call your loved ones and digitally also can spread the laughter.

Shruti Jain

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