Heart – the organ of the human body which transports blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. When you were young or born, your arteries were clean and open. But with the passage of time, when you eat foods high in saturated fats, these clean arteries get clogged and become narrow. These narrow […]
Coronavirus and Heart Patient: What all you should know?
Apr 02, 2020
COVID-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus that was erupted in China’s Wuhan on December 19 has now spread its wings globally. More than 200 countries are under its attack and have sickened lakhs of people and killed thousands around the globe. Patients underlying weak immune system, Diabetic and heart diseases are a great concern. […]
7 main Heart disorders: Signs and Symptoms
Feb 27, 2020
Any problem or illness that affects any body part or system is termed as a disorder. The Human body is differentiated into systems that are essential for the proper working of the body. One of the important systems in the human body is the blood circulatory system which is also known as the cardiovascular system […]
Lifestyle Factors that increase the risk for Heart disease
Jan 10, 2020
Various health conditions, lifestyle, age, and family background may increase the risk of heart disease. These are referred to as risk factors. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking, alcoholism are some cardiac risk factors that can be controlled but your age or family history are some factors that can’t be controlled. Dr. Dinesh Sehgal, […]
Some simple causes of High Heart rate
Nov 06, 2019
Do you have a heart problem of increasing heart rate or tachycardia? If yes, then this problem will affect the electrical system of the heart by damaging the heart muscles. The normal heart rate is 60–90 times a minute. At the same time, the heart of people suffering from tachycardia beats 100 times in a […]
Different techniques for solving Heart Problems
Oct 21, 2019
A healthy lifestyle is directly related to a healthy heart. But due to changing routines and eating habits many times heart problems occur. In such cases, it is the cardiologist who diagnoses the problem and treats it with the utmost care. The cardiologist performs all the necessary tests and other procedures related to the heart […]
A brief about Coronary Angiography by Dr. Dinesh Sehgal
Oct 16, 2019
Angiography is a type of heart test that a cardiologist or Heart surgeon suggests to check the condition of Heart and to decide which treatment will be the best for his patient. Basically, it is an imaging test used to examine the blocked, enlarged or deformed arteries or veins in the body. Coronary Angiography is an […]
Heart Disease and Diet Management: What you should know
Sep 08, 2019
According to some studies released, nearly half of fatalities from cardiac or Heart disease or illness, stroke, and diabetes can be ascribed to bad diet. Some of the nutritional modifications that can be made— those specifically mentioned in this study— to reduce your likelihood of heart illness. Some ideas on each of them are as follows: Dr. Dinesh Sehgal ( Interventional cardiologist at Sapra Multispeciality Hospital, Hisar suggests that a person should eat food […]
8 Reasons why you should visit Cardiologist as early as possible
Sep 06, 2019
If we look at the statistics, heart disease is the number one killer of Indians. We often neglect the symptoms of heart disease and keep on wandering whether to see a cardiologist or not. If at any point in time, you are at risk of heart disease, a routine check-up with a cardiologist can help […]
Follow a vegetarian diet for lower cholesterol level
Aug 12, 2019
Our body produces a waxy substance called Cholesterol that helps in building membranes of cell and maintaining hormonal balance. The level of cholesterol helps in maintaining the health of our Heart. Its high level is dangerous for the Heart. The ideal blood cholesterol level is below 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) Cholesterol being waxy in […]