Do you have a heart problem of increasing heart rate or tachycardia? If yes, then this problem will affect the electrical system of the heart by damaging the heart muscles. The normal heart rate is 60–90 times a minute. At the same time, the heart of people suffering from tachycardia beats 100 times in a […]
Cardiovascular Diseases are the result of Obesity
Jul 24, 2019
Obesity is a body disorder in which fats gets accumulated under the human body. It increases the risk of diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. In a recent study it is observed that when BMI (Body Mass Index) fat mass of a person increases, the risk of heart […]
Congestive Heart failure: Causes and Types
Apr 27, 2019
Every 30 sec, an individual dies from heart problem. Congestive Heart Failure means the heart muscle cannot pump blood around the body properly which makes body cells to get deprived of essential nutrients and oxygen. This leads to tiredness, numbness and inefficiency in doing daily tasks. There are many reasons which cause damage to the […]