Congestive Heart failure: Causes and Types
5 years ago
Every 30 sec, an individual dies from heart problem. Congestive Heart Failure means the heart muscle cannot pump blood around the body properly which makes body cells to get deprived of essential nutrients and oxygen. This leads to tiredness, numbness and inefficiency in doing daily tasks.
There are many reasons which cause damage to the heart muscle:
- Heart attack: Due to sudden blockage in coronary artery, heart pumping efficiency gets affected.
- High blood Pressure: Blood pressure is the force that blood pushes to the walls of the arteries. High pressure will eventually weaken the heart muscle and its pumping efficiency.
- Diabetes can cause damage to heart muscle due to high blood sugar level
- Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
- Myocarditis: Inflammation of heart muscle caused by virus also causes heart failure.
Types of heart failure are:
Left side Heart failure: This is the most common form of heart failure. From the left side of the heart, blood goes to all the parts of body. When muscle is not working properly, then blood backs up into the lungs and not effectively pumped.
Right Side Heart failure: This failure occurs due to left side heart failure as fluid occurs to build up in lungs in left side failure. The working of right side heart is to pump blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
Diastolic Heart failure: This is also known as diastolic dysfunction. When heart muscle becomes stiff, it can’t pump blood effectively.
Systolic Heart failure: when heart size is abnormal, then it fills improperly with blood causes no pumping or less flow of blood to the other parts of the body.
If any person feel congested lungs, shortness in breath, fluid retention, swollen legs, increased weight, fatigue, tiredness, inability to do daily chores and fast heart beat, then they should immediately consult a cardiologist and ask for an evaluation of their heart.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist/cardiologist or your own doctor for more information. Jugaadin News does not claim responsibility for this information.