Anger Management techniques

How to Manage your Anger?

3 years ago

What Is Anger?

Anger is one of the basic and elementary human emotions, as common as sadness, happiness, anxiety, and disgust. These emotions are necessary for basic survival and were honed over the course of humankind. The emotion of anger is a part of the “fight, flight, or freeze” response which is a sympathetic nervous system; it prepares humans to get through the obstacle.


Frequent anger issues always lead to problematic points in life which can rust the relationships destined. Therefore, it is necessary to understand yourself and manage your emotions through introspection.

How Do I Manage My Anger?

The rage can bring out the worst in you, creating more and more problems, and monitoring your severity of that common emotion faced by all. The way your emotion takes a turn into some frustrating or negative actions, including self-harm is the condition where you need to bother about it. Self-awareness is really important in keeping track of your mental illness. Even though anger doesn’t have any specific disorder named, it also doesn’t nullify the presence of it leading to something more crucial or threatening.

There are numerous anger management support groups available in many cities, where you can reframe your way of emotional control. Extreme anger issues can always make way to manic episodes in life. For instance, Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, such anger issues can hijack your life into something terrible.

You might consider venting your anger out is the best possible way yet the people around you could be sensitive, which could again cause dysfunctional relationships. The more you focus on yourself, the more you understand the ways to control your part.

The effects of anger are several. And these can lead to severe consequences such as physical health, mental health, career problems, or relationships.

  • Physical consequences like increasing blood pressure, heart diseases, weakened immune system, and insomnia, and the list goes on.
  • Mental consequences like chronic anger issues, clouds thinking, harder to concentrate, and so on.
  • Consequences in a career such as unwanted judgments, disruptive work relations, alienation, and the list go on.
  • Consequences in relationships can create unchangeable mistakes in life, isolation, trust issues, security issues, and so on.

There are several myths around anger issues yet tackling it with knowledgeable sources is necessary. We agree that learning the art of anger management is not a piece of cake. It takes a huge efficient trial before you attain a satisfying life.

Let us explore some self triable anger management techniques.


Understand what triggers you or what are the reasons that shoot your anger. Most of the time, the inability to control your anger is because of the lack of self-awareness. The more you gain a better understanding of the circumstances or actions that trigger you, the better you can cope with it. Understand the point of your frustration to be able to communicate your anger in a better way.  Communicating your anger is the best way to deal with it. Temper might cover your true feelings and end up creating more misunderstandings.


Keep a track of yourself. Understand the signs before your anger shoots up. Managing anger becomes easy when you are aware of your signs. Be aware of the physical signs to deal with it efficiently.


Kickstarting your day with a refreshing attitude is necessary which comes through exercising every day. Begin with a few hours of practice, later adding onto it. Jogging every day is also a good way to keep yourself free of negativity.


When you think you are losing control over the situation, take deep breaths for a few minutes. Trying this will help you cope with that emotion better and will also avoid some knee-jerk reactions.


Always holding onto grudges for tiny things seems alarming for your own mental peace. Rather just laugh it off and move on with the situations. Sometimes abandoning the memories of undesirable actions with a smile works very well.


When you feel the need to vent out your anger, instead of shouting to a person – just write it down on a piece of paper and once you are done; just crumble the paper and throw it in the dustbin. You will feel immensely relieved and fine.


Having goals that are impossible to attain or keeping yourself under pressure every time is just going to keep you stressed and drained which will increase the chances of frustration and irritation. Instead just face reality, live and enjoy the present. Having future goals is necessary yet make sure it shouldn’t turn into a nightmare for your current life.

There is a list of things you can do to control your anger. Working towards keeping yourself in control will definitely improve this stage.

Chanchal Vinod

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