HiDM conducted a Seminar on the Role of Digital Marketing in Dental Business
2 years ago
With the advancement in technology, every business is now shifting from traditional methods of marketing to digital marketing. Health care services are also shifting towards this trend. In view of same, HiDM conducted a seminar on the Role of Digital Marketing in Dental Business on Dec. 2 on its premises.
In the seminar, Dr Rinku Mittal (BDS), Director, Shubham Dental clinic, shared her valuable information on the role of digital marketing in the dental business. She said that digital marketing is not only for corporate and business, it is same useful for dental business also. With the help of Digital marketing, a dental surgeon can generate new leads. Dr Rinku Mittal shared her personal experience of how she is generating new customers for her Shubham Dental Clinic through digital marketing. She gave various content ideas to share for any dental business.
The seminar on the role of digital marketing in the dental business was hosted by HiDM Director, Er. Manmohan Singla. HiDM keep on inviting people of different domains to share their knowledge and experience in digital marketing.