Er.Manmohan singla honored with Social achievement award by Mission Green foundation

6 years ago

‘Earth is what we all have in common and it is our prime responsibilty to save our planet earth from getting destroyed. These are the thoughts of young and energetic Er. Manmohan singla who has been awarded with social achievement award by Mission Green Foundation on 8 December 2018 for his exemplary work for planting trees and encouraging others to work for environment. He is associated with many NGOs who work for social cause and plant trees.

In an event held yesterday in Ch. Ranbir singh auditorium, GJU, the founder of Mission green foundation Yogi sehjanand ji and Rajya sabha member Gen. Dr. DP vats gave the award to him. The event was organised by mission green foundation where punjabi sufi singer Kanwar Grewal performed live and organisation awarded the environmental activists of city.

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