4 years ago
Travelling is different for a man and a woman. The differences come from the never-ending bias between the two. Navigating through her own hometown is a horror experience for many women. Yet some who are willing to explore places beyond their comfort zones and taking risks are the real gems in today’s world. They are the ones who are trying to set a bar higher for women in the world.
Amidst this lockdown scenario, we still hear women abduction, rape cases happening around the corners of the world. This couldn’t stop any woman from discovering new places and traveling to new cities no matter what.
After pandemic COVID-19 cools down, we are sure most of the women have planned to go for outings, trips, tours, picnics, and excursion. Come let’s explore what you need to keep in mind when traveling to a new place alone.
So here we are, trying to list down travel tips especially for solo women travelers.
This is something every traveler needs to keep in mind and act towards too. The motive of every traveler may differ and that would demand different styles of clothing. But keeping yourself less exposed and more disciplined so as to avoid unnecessary attention and remarks is one step closer to being safe and secure. Yes, women who get into trouble are not necessarily because of what they are wearing but altering ourselves to blend into that locality is also a prominent lookout for a traveler. Wearing clothes that are comfortable yet not attention-seeking again is a question of choice. Yet different countries have different kinds of people who have a set of open-mindedness towards females but instead of being a rebel in an unknown country, it’s better to adapt to our own safety measures.
We can’t emphasize how important this is for every individual. There will be several situations that would demand you to speak up NO in a strong and assertive way. Every woman out there needs to inherit this way of speaking. To react when it is necessary is really important. There are societies that consider solo female travelers as an advantage to take a chance upon. Never give out that sign. Being bold enough to calculate the graveness of the circumstance and to act accordingly is absolutely important.
You should be ahead of time. Whenever you are about to visit a travel destination, know where you are going next, or what is going to be your next step. You should not look like a clueless thought bouncing on the unfamiliar routes. Be firm and sure about your next activity. This gives people an idea that you are not being a newbie learning to fly but an experienced eagle who could take spirals all alone.
Yes, you read it right. But who could decide the threshold of thinking? This just means a simple thing, you know you are overthinking when you are unnecessarily creating negative thoughts flowing over your excitement. Traveling alone to new places could definitely evoke unnecessary worries and tensions which could affect your whole trip. So sit back and take deep breaths and have a positive attitude. Never remember mistakes that were created out of your over-thinking and take life as it comes. We are sure you won’t put yourself in a position where you are having fresh food on your table yet you choose the old junks from your bag which you have found all the way from the restaurant.
It won’t take long before you set out for a journey to keep your important contact details to the speed dial. This is really beneficial whenever you get stuck in an unexpected scenario. Remember you need to be ready and prepared for the worst till you reach back home.
There is nothing to be embarrassed about using new devices and technology which is specially designed for you. There will be a number of places where finding a public toilet would be difficult. Sustaining female urination devices in kits with you is always a better choice to avoid upsetting your body.
You would never know the importance of a scarf until you face such situations once. A scarf is always a must clothing necessity every woman should have when traveling alone. May it be covering up oneself to avoid unwanted stares or using it as a prop if you plan on sudden visits to any temple or can use it as a blanket while traveling through public transports. It is really beneficial to have one or two in your bags every new day.
If you are heading towards countries like India, it is always advisable to not wander around at night unless you have a group or friend or a companion to accompany you. Yes, again safety issues which you can never take a toss for. It’s okay if you are in a place where you are finding a number of local females present outside at night. Otherwise, it’s good to take a step back and wait for dawn.
No matter if you are traveling alone or in a group, it is mandatory to taste and explore what the local customs have to offer. Sometimes it is okay to come out of your comfort zone and discover new things. Haven’t you heard the phrase?
“ Laugh, Love, Live ?”
Try out dishes that keep you craving all your life.
Let your legs find a way to different localities. Don’t be shy or worried to explore new corners of the world. Bring in all you got to find a new paradise for your memory to always revisit too.
Never be afraid to smile and say ‘Hello’ to new people. It’s your opportunity to explore new individuals all your way. Or else try finding out different women travelers who are at your place through different apps that help you connect for hospitality and well – being.
Making new friends or knowing new people is cool unless you are oversharing. When you are traveling alone the first thing to keep in mind is to never let out personal details and also the very fact that you are traveling alone. Yes, not everyone is a villain but not every other person is a saint as well. Keep your profile low and mingle on the latest social topics or cuisines or activities that are happening around the city.
When your mind says that something is wrong or something is about to go wrong, don’t overlook the possibility. Sometimes trusting your own mind for such alerts is a good idea. When you sense something is a wrong belief in yourself. Act upon it accordingly or get back to your hotel or hostel as soon as possible.
When it comes to women’s safety, hotels are still a question. If you feel you aren’t safe you could always switch to women hostels. Accommodating yourself in hostels is also a better choice to reduce the budget. Hostels aren’t expensive like hotels. It’s better to choose your safety before luxury.
Research as much as you can all about the location you are about to stay or the places you are planning to visit. Get knowledge about the available transport mediums to reach each place. Everything is important to know and when you are heading for a trip alone. Nowadays, research is just a click away. You could find information on travel websites, travel bloggers, travelogues, or friends who have visited the place earlier. Research as much as you can and be sure about the places you are going to visit or live because your safety lies in your own hands. Better to work towards keeping things secure rather than inviting unnecessary troubles because you overlooked it.
Whether it be for accommodation facilities or traveling or any other official documentation, it is always advisable to visit the local tourism offices. You will get all your problems and doubts cleared and will also be updated about the latest activities or feasts or festivals happening around the town or city which you will be able to reach. They would also provide good help whenever you need it. Remember local tourism offices are maintained for tourists or visitors like you, so never be afraid to avail of the facilities the state has to offer through the medium.
Understanding the culture and tradition of the place you are going to visit helps you keep yourself updated about what to do and what not to do. You are heading to explore and understand different cultures respectively and not by violating any of them. Feel free to experience what each culture has to offer and gain some new insights into it. This helps you be one step closer to being patient and mature in your life ahead.
Accepting and continuing through various advice by locals would always benefit because nothing can beat the local truth. Be ready to get some advice from women in the local sights and ask for safety measures instead of trying to overlook the facts.
Take extra copies of your passport, identification cards, and every other important document with you. It is mandatory when going on a solo trip or a group trip. Make sure you keep those copies of documents separately and not everything in one place. Even if you lose one bag you should have other copies in other bags that are left.
Keeping a dummy wallet outside is better than filling it with the essentials. You could always choose neck bags to keep your valuables, that is, money or documents (passports) safe or choose to protect it inside your clothes. Hide money and documents under your jackets or hoodies so not lose it.
So keep these Traveling tips in mind while planning for a trip of your own or with your friends.
Also read : 100 Traveling tips:Be a smart Traveler