The veteran Actor Paresh Rawal’s upcoming movie ‘Shastry Virudh Shastry Trailer is out on October 25. The film is set to release on November 3. It is a family drama featuring Paresh Rawal, Bengali Actress Mimi Chakraborty, Amruta Subhash, Manoj Joshi, Neena Kulkarni, and Shiv Pandit. The plot revolves around seven-year-old Momoji, who is caught […]
The first look of Rishi Kapoor’s last film ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’ out, Paresh Rawal in the unfinished role of the actor
Sep 04, 2021
On the 69th birth anniversary of late Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, the makers of his last film released the first look poster of ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’. The first look poster of Rishi Kapoor’s last film was shared by his daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Neetu Kapoor on their official social handles. In the first look of […]