Sidharth Malhotra’s new movie Shershaah released on August 12 has become Amazon Prime’s most-watched movie in India. Shershaah film stars Sidharth Malhotra as Param Vir Chakra awardee, Captain Vikram Batra. Sidharth took to Twitter to share the update with his fans. “Overwhelmed with the love and appreciation that we are receiving for #Shershaah. Thank you, everyone, for […]
Mumbai Diaries 26/11 Trailer: Unfolds the Doctor’s struggle during the Terrorist attack
Aug 26, 2021
Amazon Prime Video has released the trailer of its upcoming series Mumbai Diaries 26/11. The series stars Konkona Sen Sharma, Mohit Raina, Tina Desai, Shreya Dhanwantri and others. Through the series, an attempt has been made to show the frontline workers’ situation on the night of the Mumbai terrorist attacks on November 26, 2008. The […]