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Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

knee pain patellofemoral

Runner’s knee or Jumper’s Knee is a common pain syndrome for people who are active in sports. Not only common in athletes but also in non-athletes. In broader terms, it is also known as Patellofemoral pain syndrome.

According to Dr. Amit Saini, Orthopedician at Sapra Multispeciality Hospital Hisar, Patellofemoral pain syndrome shows stiffness and pain in the kneecap and the sufferer may be unable to do his day to day tasks like climbing stairs and kneel down.

Patellofemoral is consists of two words Patella also called kneecap and Femur bone (thighbone). The patella rests in a groove on the top of the femur called the trochlea. While bending and straightening the knee, the patella moves back and forth inside this trochlear groove. The ends of the femur, trochlear groove, and the underside of the patella are covered by a sticky substance called articular cartilage. Articular cartilage helps in moving up and down of the bone. Synovium-— a thin lining of tissue that covers the joint’s surface also helps in movement. A thin pad of fat acts as a shock absorber just below the kneecap, cushions the kneecap.

The reason for the occurrence of Patellofemoral pain is due to nerve pain around kneecap and tissues due to over physical activity including knee joint.

Overdoing of squatting, climbing, and jogging can cause the syndrome

Muscular Imbalance: Patellofemoral pain can occur when the muscles around your hip and knee don’t keep your kneecap properly aligned. This is also known as PatelIar  Malalignment.

Injury, dislocation to the knee can cause Patellofemoral pain.

According to Dr. Amit Saini, patients suffering from Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome have the following symptoms:

Pain in the front of the knee

Pain occurs during running, climbing the stairs, jogging, and bending of the knee.

Pain on while sitting for a long time with bent knees.

There are some steps by doing which knee pain can be prevented. After all the knee pain persists, visit the orthopedics for the treatment.

1. Work on your extra weight. Shed the extra kilos of your body as they lay an unnecessary burden on the knees.

2. Before going any exercise, always try to warm up the body by doing simple exercises.

3. Ask an orthopedician or physical therapist about mobility and strength exercises to improve the technique of jumping, walking, and running — and help the groove control the patella properly.

4.  Always wear properly fitted shoes.

Some home remedies for Patellofemoral pain include

1. RICE Treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.

Rest: Stay away from any physical activities that would put any pressure on the affected area.
Ice: Apply ice to the affected area every 2 to 3 hours for about 20 minutes each time.
Compression: Reduce swelling by wrapping the affected area with a stretchy bandage.
Elevation: Raise the injured area if possible.

2. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also be helpful.

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