Need to dress-up while working from home? Tips to ace work from home fashion

Need to Dress-Up while Working from Home? Tips to ace Work From Home Fashion

4 years ago

As the world continues to struggle with the spread of novel coronavirus, due to which Schools, theatres, malls, colleges, etc. are closed and organizations across the globe have asked their employees to work from home to stay safe from the novel coronavirus. Working from home, in the beginning, may have sounded like hello to comfortable clothes. As soon as we open our eyes, we spend the entire day sitting in front of our laptops in bed wears. But when you are repeating the same dress for a couple of days out of comfort and laziness, it could harm our productivity and mental health.

Here are 5 reasons why you need to dress up while working from home.

1.The fine line between work and life

Dressing up for work helps us to differentiate between work and life. Working in your pajamas may seem like fun for a couple of days, but soon your productivity will decline your body appreciate the convenience of your bed wear, and consciously or unconsciously, your minds react to this comfortability by shutting down the practical parts of your brains. Dressing up for work can condition your brain to understand when work ends and when home life begins.

2. Clothing can make you Feel Good or Bad

People underestimate the power of clothing and how clothes can make you feel good. When you make an effort to get dressed and put on something you feel good in, then you approach your day with more confidence and purpose. A daily routine of getting up, having a shower, and putting on a comfortable outfit is the key element of working from home. It will help you switch you on the work mode and separate your personal life and work life.

3. It Boosts your Productivity 

It is okay to be comfortable, but being comfortable does not mean productivity. Productivity is the lifespan of maintaining a work-from-home lifestyle. The most important reason for dressing appropriately for work means we are committing ourselves to do work, and this professional attitude forces us into a mode of productivity. Our clothes work as a visual reminder to ourselves of our intentions to achieve things.

4. Getting Dressed has a Positive Influence

Switching to work from home requires a change in perception, attitude, and behavior. Failing to get out of bed and decently preparing yourself for the day ahead can leave you feeling just as disarranged as you look.

Whether you work for yourself or you are working for a company, your energy, motivation, and performance are in itself linked to how you feel mentally and physically. The best way to make a positive influence is with a healthy routine that involves getting up, getting active, and getting ready.

5. Saves you from scrambling

If you get dressed up in the morning, then it can save you from scrambling those unexpected video calls from the office.

Tips to ace work from home fashion

1.  Soft, loose-fitting garments- Your desk at home may not be comfortably designed as compared to your work office. So you must be dressed up comfortably. Make your look presentable, not too dressed look. When working from home, choose soft, loose-fitting garments like tailored jogger pants, chinos, soft shirts, and t-shirts.

2. Choose the clothing you had to leave the house in- When it comes to working-from-home choose clothes that you would leave the house in. You want that element of comfort and practicality, but ask yourself can I go to the local shops dressed in this? jogger pants, and tops in soft and stretchy fabrics. Instead of wearing boots and slippers wear slip-on loafers or a pair of casual sneakers are a good go-to when working from home.

3. Pick colors that cheer you up- Choose to wear the most vibrant, bright, and beautiful colors that can change your mood instantly.

4. Coordinate a chic look- Try to mix and match clothes in your wardrobe and create a chic and stylish look.

 Dress sense is a psychological factor that helps in maintaining confidence and good mental health. Dressing up well helps you to guard off stresses and difficulties that work from home can cause.

Shruti Jain

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