International Labor Day: A Day to honor who work for us

International Labor Day: A Day to honor who work for us

4 years ago

International Labor Day is also known as Worker’s Day or May Day. It is an ancient Europian spring festival that occurs on May 1 every year. The day celebrates the sacrifice of workers for society and their right to work for only 8 hours a day. Earlier workers used to work more than 12 to 16 hours in unsafe situations. Due to long working hours laborers became injured and ill. So the Government needed to focus on the Working Hours of the Labour. 

History of International Labors Day

In 1886 in Chicago, a union of workers had announced a general strike on 1 May for an 8-hour workday. On 4 May when an unidentified person threw a bomb, the strike turned into violence. Many civilians and police officers died in that incident. In 1904 The International Socialist Congress called on “all Social Democratic Party organizations and trade unions of all countries on May 1 to Amsterdam to legally establish the 8-hour day, for universal peace. The congress made it compulsory for all countries to stop work on 1 May. In 1923 India started observing the international labour day on May 1 and the government has passed a resolution stating that everybody should be allowed a national holiday on Labour Day.

International Labour Day is a holiday in a majority of nations such as India, France, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Germany, Italy, etc. but in many countries, labour day is celebrated at various times of the year.

On International Labor Day, people spread various messages to make people aware of the Social activities of the Labor, to pay honor to the labor’s class, and to aware them of their rights for their welfare and betterment. Various events are also organized on International Labor Day to make the people know about the conditions of the Labor in Country.

Shruti Jain

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