Instagram update: Users can now bulk delete or archive content and their interactions
2 years ago
As part of its Safer Internet Day 2022 activities, Instagram has released a bundle of updates that make it easier for users to delete posts, comments, and other activity from the platform. Users can now delete comments and posts in bulk, examine past interactions on their accounts, and search for content by date. These Instagram updates can be accessed through a new section called Your Activity on a user’s profile. Take a Break was introduced by Instagram earlier this month.
Instagram users can now bulk delete or archive all of their content, including posts, Stories, IGTV, and Reels, as well as any interactions, such as comments, likes, and story sticker reactions. In the Your Activity area, users will be able to filter their content and interactions by date, as well as search for prior comments, likes, and story replies from the specified date range.
Users may also access recently archived or deleted content, examine search history, view the links you’ve visited, as well as the amount of time you’ve spent on the platform, and download their data with the current deployment. These updates eliminate the trouble of having to manually go through each and every post in order to take action.
To access “Your activity” go to your Profile and tap the menu in the upper right corner, next tap “Your activity”.
Instagram introduced the Take a Break update earlier this month. The tool allows users to set reminders to take a break from scrolling after a particular amount of time has passed, and it is available to all users on the service as an option. Take a Break will be added to Instagram’s existing Daily Limit function, which allows users to set a time limit for themselves.