Expert opinion on how to keep plaque away by Dr Sachin mittal !

5 years ago

Plaque!!!  A word we often hear from our dentist, but do we actually know what it is?

 Plaque is a sticky bio film made up of thousands of bacteria occurring naturally. Whenever we eat food rich in sugar or carbohydrate content, these bacteria feed on them and produces an acidic by product that harms our tooth enamel and form cavities.

Acc. to Dr Sachin Mittal , to keep mouth free from these naturally occurring bacteria and to prevent cavities, one should follow some basic tips:

Tip 1: Brush twice a day, and if it is possible for you to brush, do it after every meal.

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Tip 2: Flossing– Do floss once a day to remove particles of food and plaque from beyond the teeth.

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Tip 3: Fluoride rich Mouthwash: Add a mouthwash to your oral health care kit as fluoride will reduce the number of bacteria and keep the enamel safe.

Tip 4: Chew Gum: Chewing is good for oral cavity. Chew sugarless gum after every meal to stimulate the saliva production which in turn helps in neutralizing the acidic effect.

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Tip 5: If you are suffering from plaque, you should avoid taking sugary and starchy items.

Tip 6: Smoking and Tobacco is bad for teeth. Avoid them.

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Tip 7: If plaque is not getting removed through above methods, then you should consult your dentist. A cleaning by a professional dentist will help you to get rid of plaque.

Seema Jain

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