TIPS for Telephone Interview: Do’s and Don’ts

5 years ago

These days most of the companies are having “Telephone Interviews” as a part of their screening to speed-up the interview process.

It is highly recommended to treat the ‘Phone Interview’ as a normal ‘Regular Interview’like a face-to-face interviewwith the same seriousness & be well prepared. Below are some of our top telephone interview tips:

  • Do Proper Research: Visit the company website understand their entire history, background and leadership team to get a good perspective of the company along with their products & services. Also try to understand the role for which you are getting interviewed. Before the interview try to get the information of interviewer to visualize and be mentally well prepared.
  • Put down all your Ideas & Questions on Paper: A phone interview is a really good opportunity to find out more about the role you’ve applied for, the company culture and opportunities for growth and also all the steps on the interview process.
  • Hard Copy of your CV in hand: Most likely the recruiter will have your resume in their handsduring the call and may ask you specific questions from that. Soto ease the situation for both of you it is good to have it handy to effectively communicate.
  • Be Calm, Positive&Smile: This shall help you ensure you are sound, positive, upbeat and generate that positive vibration through your voice to the recruiter. It energizes the mood. Take the phone interview in a good location like a conference room, study room with good cell phone signal, hotel lobby or a good coffee shop. Avoid outdoor & noisy places that could give you distracted noises.
  • Listen More & Talk Less: Take on board all elements of their questionsand make note of anything that you feel is important; that makes communication clear and effective. You will not miss any of the questions being asked. Be honest in your answers and it is perfectly fine to say NO & I do not know the answer in case you are not sure about the answer. No need to fumble or panic in such situations. Always remember honesty is appreciated. Show your energy with your enthusiasm

Seema Jain

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