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Yoga for boosting immunity and stress relief: Yoga awareness

Immunity is the capability of the body to combat toxic elements from entering the body. Due to the pandemic ( COVID 19 ), it is now become more important to keep your immune system strong. An active to fight against the challenging times like these. 

Yoga is the best exercise for the immune system. Yoga provides a solution to improve your immune system. As the coronavirus spreading all across the world, one has to be equally strong in physical and mental terms.

Here are the top 5 yoga poses to boost your immunity levels and helps to reduce stress.


Sun salutation

Sun salutation or Surya Namaskar is one of the most significant yoga practices. It includes 12 yogic postures linked in a specified manner.

It helps to boost your health and immune system of the body. You can start practicing Surya Namaskara three times a day if you are a beginner. 

Surya namaskar :Yoga-for-immunity
Image source : Google

Benefits of Surya Namaskar 

Moon salutation

Moon salutation or Chandra Namaskar is another sequence consisting of 14 yoga posture with each posture deriving different benefits. Moon salutation balances the Pingala Nadi in the system associated with the cool side of the body.

Moon-salutation: Yoga-for-immunity
Image source : Google

Practicing moon salutation helps the practitioner to calms the mind and overcome fear and anxiety.

Benefits of Moon salutation

Legs up the wall pose (Viparita Karani )

This is one of the relaxing poses that can even be performed on your bed before sleep. The pose allows you to relax and consciously prepare your mind for sleep.

leg-up-the-wall-pose: Yoga-for-immunity
Image source: Google

Benefits of legs up the wall pose

Upward plank pose 

Upward plank pose strengthens your lungs. it helps to open your chest area and maintain flexibility at the same time. The alignment of the pose is important. It opens up your heart region and works on the legs and hip region of the body. 

Upward-plank-pose: yoga-for-immunity
Image source: Google

Beginners can start holding the pose for 10-15 seconds as possible and take up to 3-5 minutes as progress.

Benefits of Upward plank pose

Matsyasana ( Fish Pose )

The fish pose needs a moderate side of flexibility. It proves to be beneficial for optimizing your digestive health by promoting nutrient absorption in the system.

Fish-pose: Yoga-for-immunity
Image source: Pinterest

The pose is a reclining back exercise practiced in the hatha yoga.

Benefits of Matsyasana


  1. Anulom vilom Pranayam
  2. Kapalbhati Pranayam
  3. Ujjayi Pranayam
  4. Nadi shodan Pranayam
  5. Kumbhaka ( breath retention )

The types of pranayama can be read here. It is important to stay physically healthy and mentally stable at the same time to drive through challenging times. Pranayams like Kapalbhati helps to increase the immunity of the system.

Practicing Pranayam not only calms your mind but also develops a sense of awareness all around.


To boost your immunity the foremost thing you can practice is to stay happy and positive. 

Here, the top 5 yoga poses for immunity

  1. Sun salutation
  2. Moon salutation
  3. Leg up the wall pose
  4. Upward plank pose
  5. Matsya Asana  

The above mentioned five yoga poses are the best yoga poses for the immune system. They help you with stress relief during the pandemic. 

These 5 basic Pranayam techniques practiced under yoga for immunity. Pranayam can be practiced for 5-7 minutes every day. This will help you to keep yourself calm peaceful, and positive throughout the day.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. Jugaadin.com does not claim responsibility for this information.

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