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Yoga for knee pain: Yoga awareness

The average age for onset of knee problems is 40 to 50 years in most of the individuals And you know! The discomfort of knee pain extends to our day to day activities like sitting, standing, walking, bending, etc. If we talk about why knee pain occurs, we can see that most of the time the real cause of knee pain is not due to any underlying disease. In most cases, the reason for knee pain is lack of use, injuries, sitting on knees for a prolonged period, etc.

 The major problems associated with knees involves 

So if you are searching for some natural ways to eliminate the symptoms of the knee pain and have made up your mind to get some yoga therapy for your knees than read on!

Here I’m discussing the 12 most effective yoga poses to eradicate that discomfort in your knee right now.

  1. Heron pose

Heron pose is the modification in the basic hero pose, slightly on the intense side. The pose creates an intense stretch in the hip, thigh, and back area. This modification promotes balance in the body as your one leg is absolutely straight in the air. 

herons pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of heron pose

  1. Bound angle pose

This pose is often practiced by the people to correct their knock knee problems. The pose works best as a hip opener and widely recommended to the women in their first and second trimester.

Bound angle pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of Bound angle pose

  1. Bridge pose

Bridge pose is one of the intense poses in yoga to burn your thigh fat. This pose strengthens your thighs, lower back region, and your knee muscles. This pose also helps the practitioner to reduce inflammation in the knees and promotes durability.

Bridge pose
Image source : Google

 Benefits of bridge pose

  1. Noose Pose

The noose posture is the squat version of yoga poses. It intensely burns the thigh fat and creates specific pressure on the knees which enhances its load-bearing capacity. The posture also promotes bone density in legs.

Noose pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of noose pose

  1. Extended hand to big toe pose

This pose is the variation in the hand to toe pose and focuses on balancing the body on one leg. You can take the support of a chair if not comfortable in yourself. The pose promotes the strengthening of knees and thigs muscles

Extended hand to big toe pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of the pose

  1. Extended side angle pose

This pose creates direct pressure on the knee of one leg and straightens the other. The posture helps you to find length in your side body and opens up the chest and shoulder region. 

Extended side angle pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of extended side angle pose

  1. Garland pose

Garland pose is one of the easiest yet effective poses that directly hit your knees and lubricates the knee joint. This pose allows you to open your inner thigh muscles a bit more and nourishes your back.

Garland pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of garland pose

  1. Half frog pose

Half frog pose is the best pose to create tension in your knees and simultaneously open your hip region. The pose widely opens your chest area and create a stretch in the arms, legs, and calf muscles.

Half frog pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of half frog pose

  1. Half-moon pose

Half-moon pose can enhance your balance and stability in the system if you are seeking. This pose does everything, from enhancing your flexibility to providing that absolute balance from within.

Half moon pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of half- moon pose

  1. Revolveded triangle pose

The posture resembles the form of a triangle in which the body is bent from the sideways. The posture provides length in the sides and opens up the pelvic region. It won’t directly pressurize your knees but helps to relieve muscle strains in the legs.

Benefits of revolved triangle pose

  1. Reclining bound angle pose

This pose is one of the most classic poses of yoga and often performed in between intense yoga posture. This yoga posture is more on the relaxing side in the yoga series and gently release pain in the knees.

reclining bound angle pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of reclining bound angle pose

  1. Reclining hand to big toe pose

This pose not only soothes your knees but also nourishes your back. You can use a yoga band to achieve perfection in the pose. This pose can be performed by seniors with back pain as it helps to release stiffness in the back.

Reclining hand to big toe pose
Image source : Google

Benefits of reclining hand to big toe pose

It is recommended to always start any yoga practice under the guidance of a verified yoga teacher depending upon your medical conditions. The above yoga poses to cure knee pain are true to my knowledge and are general, I do not take any responsibility in case of any harm caused by performing any yoga posture. The sole purpose of writing the article is to generate yoga awareness and generate motivation to carry yoga with you.

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