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Yoga for cervical spondylosis: yoga awareness

Yoga is a natural therapy for all those looking a way out of their cervical spondylosis problem.

Cervical spondylosis is the condition in which the cartilage and bones in the neck region are torn due to some reasons. Yoga as therapy helps you to stop this degradation any further.

There are specific yoga poses listed below, that can help you to cure your chronic neck pain, disrupting your day to day activities.


Cobra pose (bhujangasana)

Cobra pose is one of the basic yoga poses of any yoga session. The pose is practiced in the Surya namaskara sequence and has many benefits. Cobra pose not only opens your torso but promotes flexibility in the spine.

How to do

Lie on the floor with your chest facing downwards and big toe each other.

Inhale and lift your chest upwards such that the palms of the had been placed in sides of the shoulders. 


Make sure the angle between your arms is 30 degrees. Hold on the pose at this angle as long as possible for you.

Benefits of cobra pose

Half fish pose ( ardh-matasya asana )

Half fish pose is a half spinal twist pose. People suffering from cervical spondylosis need not to forcefully do the pose. Make sure you practice the pose at your own pace.

How to do

Sit on the mat with your legs unfolded and placed straight in front of you. Fold the right leg and turn backward. Hold the toe of the right leg with your left hand over your knees. Place your right hand in line with your right leg after turning your spine.

You can do the twist on both sides. Make sure to hold the pose as long as comfortable for you. Do not overstretch.

Benefits of half-fish pose

Cat-cow stretch ( marjariasana )

Cat cow stretch is a beginner-friendly pose. The pose works as a therapy for problems related to the spine and digestive system collectively. People with serious medical conditions can practice the pose on the chairs as well.

How to do

Lie on the mat in a table position and balance your whole weight on the four limbs. As you inhale curve your spine downwards and flow your neck upwards. Hold the pose. You can do some deep breaths in the same position. Make sure your breaths are deeper than your normal breath.


As you exhale try to relax completely with each exhalation. Arch your spine upwards such that you can look at your navel. You can take a few breaths in the position. Inhale as slowly as possible for you.

Come back with inhalation. This completes your one cycle. Beginners are recommended to do atleast three cycles in a go. You can do as many no. of times you are comfortable.

Benefits of cat-cow stretch

Bridge pose ( Setubandhasana )

Bridge pose is somewhere on the intense side for the individuals suffering from cervical spondylosis. Although the pose aids in the neck and back pain associated with it. Bridge pose helps the practitioner to build upon the weight-bearing capacity of the bones and powers the legs.

How to do

Lie on the floor facing towards the sky. Take your heels near to the hip region and with an inhalation lift your lower body upwards. Hold the position. Come back with an exhalation. You can repeat it three times in a go.


Benefits of bridge pose

Bow pose ( dhanurasana )

Bow pose provides an intense stretch to the body. The pose works as an immunity booster and corrects the posture of the body. The pose intensifies the flexibility of the back and develops bone density.

How to do

Lie on the floor facing hold your feet with your hands. Now exhale and lift your body upwards such that the whole weight of the body is on the belly only. Try to elongate your body as intensely as possible. Hold the pose. Come back to the normal position with an exhalation.


You can breathe in the pose. Make sure you practice the pose is performed under the guidance of certified yoga teacher as cervical spondylosis needs to be taken care of in mind.

Benefits of bow pose


Yoga naturally helps the practitioner to improve the problems related to cervical spondylosis. As it improves body posture and aid to back and neck pain. Yoga posture not only helps to eliminate the pain but also works on the main cause by increasing bone density in the body. 

The regular practice of yoga develops strength in the body and ensures flexibility.

The most important yoga poses for cervical spondylosis are

It is recommended to start practicing the pose under the guidance of a yoga teacher only. As yoga is a subtle form of exercise and must be imparted in a certain way. Individuals with cervical spondylosis are recommended to ask for doctors’ advice before starting a yoga exercise regime own their own.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. Jugaadin.com does not claim responsibility for this information.

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