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Salary Negotiation Tips & Strategies

Going for an interview is not that stressful that talking about salary, additional benefits etc. People fear of negotiating the salaries but it is scarier if not done. Before going for negotiations, employee should be aware of his skills and experience worth in the market with respect to how much job is worth of?

Salary negotiation is an integral part of any interview process and it is not completely done until you get the Offer Letter with your desired pay package.

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Here are some expert tips on salary negotiation techniques, what to say, how to say and what not to say during that time.

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So, to make the salary negotiation a fruitful task – always prepare for the interview in advance highlighting technical skills, accomplishments,contributions to the team in the past with quantifiable results and ultimately what you bring-in along with you to the current role.Be aware of the industry pay standards of the role and negotiate accordingly so that you don’t quote unrealistic numbers.

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