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Mobile phones are responsible for the appearance of horn-like structures in Humans

We all know that evolution is a natural phenomenon. Charles Darwin depicts in his theory of evolution that we have evolved from monkeys. There can be many reasons for the evolution in humankind; it can be environmental changes, cultural changes, etc. In the latest scientific research showed that the hornlike structure is growing on young people skull. Can it be considered as a change started in a human body?

Research shows that the reason behind the growth of hornlike structure in the young people skull is mobile phones. In this technological era, people began using a Smartphone at a very young age. To use the mobile phones an individual tilt his/her head in the forward position which is the most common structure of using a mobile phone and this is the main reason that causes hornlike structure bone started growing in the skull just above the back neck. It happened when people tilt their head in the forward position for a long time which shifts the weight from the spine to the muscle at the back neck of the head which cause the unexpected growth of the bone.

The research has done in the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.  They are saying that the use of modern technology is altering the body structure of humans. It can cause serious issues in the coming future.

Do not fall for technology that deep that it starts causing threats to our daily life and our human body.

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