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Learn ML from top Amazon scientists: Amazon India announces the launch of ‘ML summer school

amazon ML school

amazon ML school

On Sunday, Amazon India announced the introduction of a machine learning program for students to master practical Machine Learning (ML) abilities, and preparing them for jobs in the new technology.

At the ML Summer School, students have the opportunity to explore machine learning skills with Amazon’s expert scientists. This is a three-day program where students will get the opportunity to learn key ML techniques such as supervised learning, deep neural networks, probabilistic graphical models, dimensionality reduction, unsupervised learning, and sequential models directly.

Rajeev Rastogi, VP – India Machine Learning at Amazon said, “Our aim is to prepare students for science roles – this will help to reduce the gap between the growing demand for ML roles across companies and the talent pool with applied ML skills.

The Amazon ML Summer School is open to pre-final or final year students pursuing a Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD degree across 20 select Indian campuses. Eligible and interested students will take an online assessment on basic ML concepts and math fundamentals such as probability, statistics and linear algebra. A batch of top students will be selected for ML Summer School, which will take place from 9-11 July.

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