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Happy Father’s Day : 5 places to take your father to make him feel special

fathers day

Fathers Day

Father’s Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June. There is no fixed date for this day. In 2023, Father’s Day will be celebrated on 18th June. On the father’s day, children give love to their father and also celebrate with him. This day is also celebrated to pay respect to the father. Like mother, father also has a special role in every child’s life. Father teaches children to struggle and become happy seeing their child’s success. He makes children strong and gives children every happiness of their life. 

It is said that mother keeps the child in her womb for 9 months and loves them, but a father gives all the happiness of his life to their children. They work hard so that their children don’t face any problem. 

History of Father’s Day

Father’s Day was started by Sonora Lewis, a 16-year-old girl living in Washington. Her mother passed away when she was very young. Then his father gave him the love of both parents. When he heard about Mother’s Day, he thought that Father’s Day should also be celebrated. Father’s Day should be celebrated in the same way as father gives love or affection. The celebration of Father’s Day started on June 19, 1910 as Sonora Lewis’s father’s birthday falls in June. She also set up campaigns in the USA to celebrate Father’s Day.

How to celebrate Father’s Day:-

Here we are telling you five places to visit with your father to make your father feel special on Father’s Day:-

Happy Father’s Day to all Fathers!!!!

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