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7 main Heart disorders: Signs and Symptoms

heart diseases

Any problem or illness that affects any body part or system is termed as a disorder. The Human body is differentiated into systems that are essential for the proper working of the body. One of the important systems in the human body is the blood circulatory system which is also known as the cardiovascular system that consists of blood vessels and heart. The heart is an organ that pumps oxygenated blood to all parts of the body and any disturbance in the transportation of blood and nutrients can cause serious heart diseases.

Dr. Dinesh Sehgal, an Interventional cardiologist at Sapra Multispecialty Hospital explaining the diseases that affect the circulatory system or cardiovascular system. By observing the signs and symptoms of these diseases and visiting cardiologists on time, diseases can be prevented and treated.

The 7 main diseases that can affect the circulatory system or Heart includes

1. Atherosclerosis:  In atherosclerosis, the hardening of arteries occurs and it happens when plaque made of cholesterol, fat, and calcium builds upon the walls of arteries and eventually blocks blood flow. It is also known as coronary artery disease.  This blockage increases blood pressure.

2. Heart Attack: Heart attacks occur when there is a shortage of blood supply to the heart due to blockage in arteries causes the heart muscle to damage. Symptoms can be a pain in the center or left side of the chest, shortness of breath, severe sweating, etc.

3. Arrhythmia and dysrhythmia: arrhythmia means “no rhythm” and dysrhythmia means “abnormal rhythm.” which means both are related to abnormal heart rate or rhythm.

4. Heart failure: When heart muscle gets weakened or damaged causes heart failure or congestive heart failure. In this condition, the heart is not able to pump blood around the body.

5. Peripheral artery disease: Peripheral artery disease is a type of atherosclerosis that usually occurs in legs. It causes less blood supply to legs cause cramps and sores in the legs.

6. High Blood Pressure: When force or pressure of the blood flowing through the vessels gets high due to any blockage is known as High Blood pressure.

7. Stroke: A stroke can happen when one of the vessels that lead to the brain either becomes blocked by a blood clot or bursts. This stops blood flow and prevents oxygen from getting to the brain.

Conditions likely to raise chances of Circulatory diseases

High cholesterol causes narrowing of vessels which increases the chances of a person getting a blood clot. Overweight or obese people also have more possibility of developing circulatory diseases. Being active can reduce the risk. By doing regular exercise a person can keep the heart-healthy. Genetic factors are also there for the occurrence of heart diseases.

When to See a Cardiologist

Cardiovascular diseases like stroke, heart failure, heart attack are dangerous, life-threatening and need medical advice as early as possible. Always consult a cardiologist and medical practitioner for a healthy heart lifestyle.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. Jugaadin.com does not claim responsibility for this information.

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