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6 types of Low-Carb-Diets

low-carb diets

Carbohydrates are macronutrients, which means they are one of the ways through which the body obtains energy or calories. Carbohydrates provide food to the central nervous system and energy for working muscles. They also stop the protein from being used as an energy source and enable fat metabolism.

Carbohydrates can be classified as- table sugar, simple lactose in milk, fruit sugar, white flour, and whole grains or beans.

Carbohydrates can be found in healthy and unhealthy foods—bread, potatoes, cookies, soft drinks, spaghetti, popcorn, beans, and milk, they are in a variety of forms.

 The most usual and large forms of carbohydrates are sugars, fibers, and starches.

Types of Carbohydrates 

Simple carbohydrates are also known as high-carbs or bad carbs. They are a good source of energy, but the consumer soon feels hungry again. 

Examples include white bread, soft drinks, sugar, and white flour foods. These foods are made with processed and refined sugars and do not have nutritional values in it. They can lead to weight gain.

Complex carbs are also known as low-carbs or good carbs

Complex carbs have more fiber value and digest more slowly. This also makes them more filling like, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and whole grains.

Low–carb-diet means the type and amount of carbohydrates you eat. Carbohydrates are a type of calorie-providing found in many foods and drinks.

A low-carb diet is recommended for losing weight. They may have health benefits beyond weight loss, such as reducing risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Who can follow low-carb Diet:

Consult with your doctor before starting any weight-loss diet, especially if you have any health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease.  There are many types of low-carb diet exist. 

6 Low-carb-diets can be:

1.  Vegetables and Fruits

 There are many low- carb vegetables.  Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables have particularly low levels, and the majority of their carbs consist of fiber.

Foods can be included– Cauliflower, Cabbage, Avacado, Broccoli, spinach, kale, strawberry, and Blueberry

Foods to avoid– starchy root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes are high in carbs.

2.  Fats & Oils

Fats and oils all have zero carbs. But make sure you’re eating the healthiest varieties. 

To be included– Coconut Oil, MCT oil and extra virgin olive oil

To be avoided- mayonnaise, Soybean or corn oil.

3. Low-Carb-Drinks

 Maintain sugar cravings, if you’re addicted to sweet foods it is a disaster. It will be harder to appreciate the natural sweetness of real food.

Foods to include– Water is perfect and zero carb, coffee, and tea, but without sugar 

Foods to avoid– Diet soft drinks and fruit juices

4.  Low-Carb-nuts

All nuts provide healthy minerals, fats, and vitamins and eating them may even help improve some risk factors.

Foods to be included– Brazil, Walnut, Pecan, Almond and Hazelnuts.

Foods to avoid– Pistachio and cashew nuts.

5. Plan and prepare your meal

Meal Planning and Preparation can help you avoid making unhealthy food choices, save time during busier times of the week and save money.

Popular low-carbs meals:

Greek yogurt bowls, stir fry vegetables and protein pancakes.

6.  Low-Carb-Snacks protein

 At the times when you are hungry and you may want to have some healthy fat to your meals. Carry them with you snacks once in a while.

Foods to include– Cheese, unsweetened sugar, nuts, and hard-boiled eggs

Foods to avoid– Fast foods


 Disclaimer:  This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. Jugaadin.com does not claim responsibility for this information.

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