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6 Life Lessons Quarantine Will Teach Us


Life is very unpredictable. You never know what will happen the next moment. Every instance of life leaves you with some positive and negative aspects. If we see life in the present scenario, everything seems to be unstable and full of negativity.  The fear of coronavirus is increasing worldwide and its effect is that everything is locked down and you are under quarantine.  Staying home and have nothing to do may fill your heart with negativity but this is also a part of life. This moment will give you some very important life lessons only when you take it seriously.  As we all know, a stopped clock can show the right time twice a day in the same way the quarantine period can give you some very beautiful lessons for life.

Here are 6 life lessons that quarantine period will teach us:


1.Family comes first

This is an opportunity to spend time with family members and to realize that it is the family who will stand with you in difficult times. Though being busy with your working schedule may not allows you to show love and gratitude towards them since you are now staying indoors, spend some quality time with your family and shower appreciation and love for them.

2. Importance of self-discipline

The Self-quarantine period can make you lazy and can reduce your productivity of doing things you could do during the day. This is the best time to learn discipline. Make a daily routine and stick to it, and in your idle time do some activities like painting, cooking, physical exercise to stay physically strong, reading books and singing to keep your mental stress away.


3. Learn to love yourself

Quarantine is the best time to have some “me time” and to love your own company. Use this lockdown opportunity wisely. Change your relationship with yourself, analyze yourself and learn to be comfortable with yourself.


4. Power of socializing

Being in-home quarantine applies a limit to your social activities such as meeting friends, going shopping or gym.  Before the outbreak of COVID-19, you were enjoying the freedom of stepping outside anytime anywhere but home quarantine has made you realize the value of socializing.


5. Value of your workplace

Work from home always sounds exciting and relaxing in the beginning, but now the boredom of working from home may have made you realize the importance of the office and also that it is quite difficult to work from home than in an office.

6. Feeling of Gratitude

Quarantine days will make you appreciate little things and make you learn how to survive with minimal things in your life. It also fills you with a sense of gratitude towards a healthy body, our doctors, our government and towards everyone who is working day and night for a better and healthy world.

Being quarantine and staying safe at home is the only solution to fight against corona. It becomes the responsibility of every citizen to follow the laws and not to step outside the four walls of your house.

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