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3 ways to do Intermittent Fasting

3 ways to do intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular fitness trend it gives a positive impact on your life and makes you live longer. Fasting doesn’t mean dieting, it is a pattern of eating. It’s a way of scheduling your meals so that you get the foremost out of them This would mean only eating between the hours of 11 am and 7 pm. There are many ways to do it and we will get to know about that later in the article.

Why do fasting?

Why is it worthwhile to vary when you’re eating?

Well, most notably, it’s an excellent way to get lean without happening a crazy diet or cutting your calories right down to nothing. Most of the time you’ll attempt to keep your calories an equivalent once you start intermittent fasting. Additionally, intermittent fasting may be a great way to stay muscle mass while getting lean.

 Fasting is inbuilt in humans and nature since centuries have been following it until there were abundance and 24*7 availability of food and electricity.

Back in past, humans started their fast right after sunset because there wasn’t any electricity or facility to store food and continued till about sunrise the next day and then stepped to hunt and fetch food followed by feasting. This automatically led to an entire 12-hour or more of fasting.


Align your dinner by 6.30-7 close to sunset and go on till next day’s sunrise(6.30-7 pm), giving a complete 12- hour fasting to your body and allow it to perform functions like detox, rejuvenate, repair, recycle and reduce inflammation. This is a nature-made pattern of fasting and not man-made- it’s the foremost perfect thanks to fast because it aligns us with the mechanism of nature.

It’s easy for us humans to misuse fasting and make it a fad. We party till 2 am then decide to start intermittent fasting. The next day we’ve another event and once again the pattern repeats. This way even if we are fasting, we may not be gaining any results because it’s in no way aligned to our body clock, plus the body needs more time to wash up all that alcohol and much from healthy food.

Ideally, our body doesn’t need so much time to clean up and detoxify. It can do everything during a shorter frame of fasting which is 12 hours. The more toxins we add to our system, the longer we have to fast.

3 ways of Intermittent fasting:

1 the 16/8 method

This Method means fasting every day for 14 to16 hours and restricting your daily “eating window” to 8-10 hours.  In simple language, you restrict eating to an 8-hour window with 2–3 meals, and fast for 16 hours.

 You can drink water or no-calorie beverages which helps you in reducing hunger.

2 the 5:2 diet

This diet means fasting for 2 days in a week and 5 days eating. During 2 days fasting you can consume 500 to 600 calories. For the remaining 5 days, eating is not restricted by fasting.

3 spontaneous meal skipping

A spontaneous meal is simply skipping meals from time to time, such as when you don’t feel hungry or are too busy to cook and eat. It is perfect for those who don’t want to feel restricted.

There are a lot of people who get better results with these methods.

As a beginner, one must start aligning their fasting cycle with at least 12 hours of fasting then gradually extend to 13 hours, 14 hours, 15 hours and so on till they start to experience true physical hunger. It’s necessary to urge fasting right at the grassroots level before one starts to aim for long and extended fasts. While fasting keeps in mind to eat healthily.

 Intermittent fasting is not for everyone. It’s not something that anyone needs to do. It’s just another tool in the toolbox that can be useful for some people.

Disclaimer:  This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. Jugaadin.com does not claim responsibility for this information.

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