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20 Negative Effects of Fast Food on Your Body

negative effects of fast food

 Junk food is something that can fill your stomach but not your desire to eat!

  So what a junk food actually is?

Any food that contains more salt, sugar, spice, and oil is considered to be junk food. Junk food attracts a crowd very easily because of its tangy and spicy taste. These days everyone loves to eat fast food only because they are inexpensive, easily available in the market and of course tastes awesome. Everyone knows that excessive junk food is harmful to the body but still fails to choose health over the tongue and is enjoying it.

This article will tell you the harmful effects of Fast food on the body and after reading we believe that you will take a step ahead towards a healthy life.


1.  Dull and Lifeless Skin – Fast food contains a high amount of carbohydrates which directly affects the sugar level of your body in the long run. The high blood sugar level in the body leads to the production of insulin. In order to bring the insulin level down, the body produces androgen hormone which leads to acne and rashes along with other skin problems. 

2. Body Bloating – Many junk food items contain high sodium content in order to preserve them. The Sodium preservatives like monosodium, sodium nitrate, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium benzoate, and many more harms the body. It’s suggested that an adult should consume 1500 milligrams of sodium per day and must not exceed 2300 milligrams of it but if you check any single fast food meal, it contains 2300 mg and sometimes even more than that. Consuming sodium more than it is recommended may cause your body to retain water and will make you feel bloated.

3. Obesity – This problem is very common these days in children and adults. Today’s children love to eat junk food only and it’s very hard for their parents to feed a healthy diet to them. Junk food is full of oil and spices which helps in increasing body fat. Eating too much junk food leads to obesity.

4. Kills Your Appetite – Your appetite urges you to eat or drink. Junk food kills your appetite for healthy food. In the reward, circuit parts of the brain (a part of a brain that is responsible for decision making) junk food diet causes lasting changes. If you consume more junk food, your body will crave more for junk food and you may not like eating healthy food. Junk food fills your stomach for a longer period and hence kills the craving for a healthy food diet.

5. Causes Respiratory Problems – As mentioned above too much fast food leads to obesity and obesity become the root cause of several other health problems. One of them is respiratory problems. Junk food contains more carbohydrates and it is assumed that excess of carbohydrates reduces the amount of oxygen in the body and will lead to breathing problems.

6. Impact the Nervous System – Eating too much junk food affects the nervous system very badly. The nervous system that is connected to the brain gets highly affected by eating an excess of Junk Food. It may lead to acute depression. It is found that people who eat unhealthy food are more stressed and depressed than those who don’t eat junk food.

7. Digestive Disorders – Junk food have an ill-effect on the digestive system. The digestive system helps in the digestion, it breaks down the carbohydrates to give energy to the body for other physical activities. When you eat more spicy food and food which contains a high amount of carbohydrates, it harms the body’s digestive system.

8. Erosion of Enamel – Junk food terribly affects the enamel of your teeth. It leads to the cavity and weakens the gums. Enamel is a thin layer that covers each and every tooth. Enamel protects the teeth from the effect of hotness and coldness. If it gets eroded, teeth become sensitive and pain can also occur.

9. Weakens Bones – Fast Food affects each and every part of your body including bones too. It weakens the bones and makes them brittle. Your bones may break easily even on small hits. It’s important to have a strong skeletal structure to avoid any physical disability in an accident. 

10. Leads to Heart Diseases – Fast food means food loaded with spices, oil, cheese, and saturated fatty acids. These saturated fatty acids increase the bad cholesterol in the body, blocks the blood vessels, and affect the normal blood flow. Hence the heart couldn’t function well and become prone to several cardiovascular diseases.

11. Cause Headache – Headaches are not a very big problem but a long headache may leave you restless and sometimes cause irritation too as you are not able to focus on any work. Eating junk food might not directly cause headache but it may cause gastric issues, indigestion, acidity that can root source of headache.  

12. Negative Calories – Junk food contains good as well as some bad nutrients. Junk food falls under the category of negative calorie food as they provide fewer calories but require more calories from the body to eat and digest them. That’s why it is recommended to eat less junk food.

13. Increases Blood Pressure – Junk food as already mentioned, is high in sodium content and this high sodium increases the blood pressure or can exaggerate the heart disorders. So avoid junk food to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

14. Behavioral Issue – A “junk food” diet high in processed foods and soft drinks may lead to peaks and troughs in blood sugar, with associated periods of hyperactivity and lethargy.

15. Leads to Loss of Memory – It’s hardly known that junk food affects your memory but it’s true. Along with bad heart effects, junk food negatively affects your brain too. Junk food contains saturated fatty acids that affect brain functioning and memory. Eating more junk food stops the production of certain neurochemicals in the body which may lead to memory loss.

16. Diabetes – Diabetes is one of the serious and common problems in middle-aged people. Junk food is filled with empty carbohydrates, which can cause frequent insulin spikes. This may alter the natural insulin level and can cause diabetes.

17. Kidney Disease – Another worst effect of junk food shows on the excretory system. The junk food after digestion gets transported to the kidney for excretion. It’s very hard for kidneys to excrete out these empty calories causing wear and tear of tissues and leads to improper functioning of kidney or even kidney failure.

18. Increases Risk of Cancer – There is a chemical called PhIP (2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo(4,5-b) pyridine) founded in 100s of samples of fast food like grilled chicken. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, it is found that this substance PhIP is associated with human breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. Also, junk food contains chemicals like sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, these chemicals get to break down into nitrosamines which are also one cause for cancer.

19. High Cholesterol Levels– fried food is filled with trans fats. These fats are known to raise LDL (Bad) Cholesterol levels.

20. Constipation – Junk food does not contain dietary fiber which plays a very important role in the digestive system. Food items like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are rich in fiber help the digestive system to work properly and in excreting the waste out of the body. But junk food damages the digestive system due to which the body fails to usher out the waste which may lead to constipation.

Hope this article was helpful. And at least now you will avoid eating junk food after seeing the worst effects of junk food on your body. Add a healthy diet to your life it’s not going to cost you anything

 Thank You! Eat Healthy! Live Healthy!

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