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12 Foods to eat for weight loss

food for weight loss

Food is the source of energy but does all food provide you the same energy and calories?

Calories play an important role in weight gain and weight loss. If you take high-calorie food like fried chips, sugary drinks, red meats, and other junk food, you have to do extra workout and burn calories more to lose weight. That’s why choose your food smartly. Choose those food items which help to make you lose weight. Correctly chosen food with exercise will help in reducing weight. 

12 Foods that aid in weight loss are:

Boiled Potatoes – Yes, potatoes help in weight loss if not taken as French fries. Potatoes are a good source of Potassium that helps in maintaining blood pressure and boiled potatoes give you fuller filling and hence you eat other food items less.

Boiled potato
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Peanut Butter – Peanut butter is fibrous that fills you for longer. An amino acid L-arginine helps to improve your blood flow throughout the body and relax the blood vessels to reduce fluid retention.

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Whole grains – Whole grains include oats, brown rice, wheat, barley, and quinoa. These all are loaded with minerals and nutrients. Oats have beta-glucans, soluble-fibers, Brown rice contains high water content and Quinoa is full of nutrients, these all help to improve your metabolism rate and satiety.

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Nuts – Nuts help to improve metabolic health and promote weight loss if consumed in an appropriate amount. Almonds, pistachio, Walnuts are considered to provide a lot of fat but contain a balanced amount of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

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Eggs – Whole eggs contain high protein and fat which helps to improve metabolic rate. It increases your satiety level, reduces your appetite, and thus aids in weight loss. 

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Fatty Fish – Fatty fish like Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, Sardines, contains high-quality protein, fats, and various nutrients. Fatty fishes have a significant amount of Iodine which is helpful for proper thyroid functioning and fishes are a source of Omega-3 fatty acid also which makes them a good weight loss diet.

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Yogurt – Yogurt is the high protein content food which is a perfect ingredient for a well-balanced diet. It contains good bacteria that help in maintaining a healthy gut process, boosts immunity, and reduces bloating.  All fermented food is good to eat to lose weight. 

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Leafy greens – Leafy green vegetables are rich in fiber content. These have low calories and carbohydrates. Leafy green vegetables are loaded of antioxidants and minerals that help to aid fat burning.

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Broccoli – Broccoli is a part of cruciferous vegetables which include cauliflower, cabbage, and sprouts also. All these vegetables are rich in fiber and protein. It is highly nutritious and contains cancer-fighting substance. 

Avocados – Avocados are loaded with healthy fats and contain a lot of water and fiber. Monounsaturated oleic acid present in avocado is a type of fat that helps in reducing body weight. It has less energy-dense food nutrients including fiber and potassium

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Beans and Lentils – Beans and lentils are high in protein and fiber which helps to improve metabolism rate. It makes you full for more time and reduces your appetite and you don’t crave for unnecessary food items.

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Soups – Soups are low energy density food which helps to reduce your weight. Vegetables can be eaten as raw but soup contains high water content which improves your metabolism rate. 

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 These are some of the food which you can eat to lose weight. You can also take tomatoes, green tea, coffee to reduce weight.

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