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World Ocean Day: Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean

World Ocean Day: Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean

The Oceans are the lungs of our planet and provide most of the oxygen we breathe every day. World Ocean Day is celebrated on 8 June every year to make people aware of the impact of human actions on the ocean, and to unite the world for the sustainable management of the oceans.

The idea is to celebrate ocean day was originally proposed by Canada’s International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD), at the earth summit in Rio De Janeiro, 1992. World Ocean Day was officially celebrated by the United Nations, on 8 June 2009 to save ocean water. Oceans are a major source of food, medicine, and an important part of the biosphere.

World Ocean Day Theme 2020: Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean

The theme of UN World Oceans Day 2020 is Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean. The campaign will explore innovations across categories including technology, resource management, consumer products, system infrastructure, and scientific exploration. It will also provide a platform to leaders, who are coming forward for the health of our ocean. The event will outline the potential impact of these innovations and the resources needed to transform them into long-lasting solutions. This year’s world ocean day celebration will be held via a virtual event in partnership with Oceanic Global.  

4 Ways to Save the Ocean

By adopting a few lifestyle choices we can protect and restore our oceans for future generations.

  1. Plastic floating in the ocean often resembles food to many marine birds, sea turtles, and marine mammals, that contribute to habitat destruction and kill thousands of marine animals every year. To prevent the impact, carry a reusable water bottle, and use cloth bags while shopping.
  2. When you are enjoying or relaxing on the ocean, do not leave the garbage there. Always carry a garbage bag with you and always pick up the trash before going to the beach.
  3. Avoid products that are produced through unsustainable or environmentally harmful methods. Avoid purchasing items such as coral jewelry, shark products, and tortoiseshell hair accessories.
  4. Carbon dioxide is making our oceans more acidic. To reduce energy use, Turn off the lights when you leave a room, and Ride a bike, walk or use public transportation rather than driving a car.

World ocean day is a day to celebrate together the beauty and wealth of the ocean.

INFORMATION SOURCE: https://www.un.org/en/observances/oceans-day

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