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World Kidney Day 2020:Early detection is early Prevention


Every year world kidney day is celebrated on the second Thursday of March and this year it is being celebrated on 12th March 2020. World Kidney Day is a global campaign that spread awareness about the importance of kidney health, awareness of risk factors, how to live with kidney disease and preventive behaviors. More than 850 million people worldwide are affecting kidney disease.  Chronic Kidney disease is projected to become the 5th most common cause of deaths globally by 2040. Early diagnosis and treatment can help in delaying Kidney disease.

World Kidney Day Theme 2020

This year World Kidney Day continues to boost awareness of the increasing burden of kidney diseases worldwide and to strive for kidney health for everyone, everywhereThis year’s world kidney day theme is the prevention of detection. 

Prevention has three definitions:

  1. Primary prevention of kidney disease requires the modification of risk factors, including structural abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tracts, diabetes, and hypertension. Preventative primary precautions can be taken by promoting healthy lifestyles including healthy diets and physical activity.
  2. Secondary prevention includes glycemic control and blood pressure optimization. It is the main goal of education and clinical interventions which can be achieved by low salt and protein, as well as plant-based diets and pharmacotherapy.
  3. Tertiary prevention indicates managing kidney disease after it is well established to control disease progression and the emergence of more severe complications.

Ways to manage kidney health

  1. Make healthy food choices that are good for you like fresh fruits and vegetables, fat-free dairy products and whole grains
  2. Every day 30-minute regular exercise is a must to reduce your waistline, lower the risk of chronic kidney disease and reduce blood sugar level.
  3. Try to have at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
  4. Smoking damages your body’s blood vessels which increases the risk for kidney diseases.

Information Source: https://www.worldkidneyday.org/

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