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World Earth Day: Together we Earthrise

Earth Day

World Earth Day is an annual event, which is held on 22 April to demonstrate support for environmental protection around the world. This year world is celebrating the 50th year of World Earth Day. Earth Day was established by US Senator Gaylord Nelson. Starting from 1970, this day is celebrated by more than 1 billion people from more than 192 countries around the world. Enlightened societies, voluntary organizations, eco-lovers, and governments participate in it. The first Earth Day held on April 22, 1970, was attended by about 20 million Americans.

Who gave the word ‘Earth Day’

Julian Koenig was the first to bring the word ‘Earth Day’ among the people. In 1969, he first introduced the word to the people. To celebrate this movement related to environment protection, he chose the date of his birthday on 22 April. He believed that with ‘Earth Day’ ‘Birthday’ mixes rhythm.

 Theme of Earth Day 2020

On Earth Day, April 22, 2020, the world is facing two crises: One is the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and another one is climatic conditions. Climate Action is the theme for Earth Day 2020.  Climate change is the greatest threat to the survival of mankind and the life-sustaining structures that make our planet habitable.

Though the world was not prepared for the Novel coronavirus attack but to fight with climate crisis we still have time. We can, will and must solve both challenges. The outbreak of coronavirus has reminded us to improve our earth and address our climate crisis otherwise our current situation will become a new normal — a world where pandemics and extreme weather events cover the globe.

If we want to bring change in climate and want to save our mother earth, every individual follows some tips to save the environment.

  1. Use environmentally-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products.
  2. Replace inefficient incandescent light bulbs with efficient CFLs or LEDs. Reduce your carbon footprint by 450 pounds a year.
  3. Carpool, ride your bike, use public transportation or drive an electric or hybrid car. Reduce your carbon footprint by one pound for every mile you do not drive.
  4. Keep your tires properly inflated and get better gas mileage. Reduce your carbon footprint 20 pounds for each gallon of gas saved.
  5. Change your car’s air filter regularly.
  6. Teleconference instead of traveling. If you fly five times per year, those trips are likely to account for 75% of your personal carbon footprint.
  7. Stop using disposable plastics, especially single-use plastics like bottles, bags, and straws.
  8. Recycle paper, plastic, and glass. Reduce your garbage by 10% and your carbon footprint by 1,200 pounds a year.
  9. Donate your old clothes and home goods instead of throwing them out. When you need something, consider buying used items.
  10. Use cloth towels instead of paper ones.
  11. Change your paper bills to online billing. You’ll be saving trees and the fuel it takes to deliver your bills by truck.
  12. Read documents online instead of printing them.
  13. When you need to use paper, make sure it’s 100% post-consumer recycled paper.
  14. Set your office printer to print two-sided.
  15. Collect used printer, fax, and copier cartridges to recycle.
  16. Convince your school district or office building to choose reusable utensils, trays, and dishes in the cafeteria.
  17. Use reusable bottles for water, and reusable mugs for coffee.
  18. Bring reusable bags when you shop.
  19. Pack your lunch in a reusable bag.
  20. Organize to have healthy, locally-sourced food served at in your school district.
  21. Buy local food to reduce the distance from farm to fork. Buy straight from the farm, frequent your local farmers’ market, or join a local food co-op.
  22. Buy organic food to keep your body and the environment free of toxic pesticides. Support farmers and companies who use organic ingredients.

Information source: https://www.earthday.org/

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