Jugaadin News

Increase memory and concentration level through mental exercises

Brain is multidimensional in nature. When we get right direction to unleash the potential of mind, we can succeed in both personal and professional life. These are the thoughts of Er. Jitender Jangra from Wisdom of Mind during a workshop held at Dayanand college. The workshop was organized by English department and English literary society of the college.

Er. Jangra said we can increase our concentration and memory level by doing simple mental exercises daily. Wisdom of mind is an institute which help people in strengthening their mental health. He also explained that researches have shown, person doing mental exercises and playing mind puzzles has strong mental state as compare to others.

The workshop was inaugurated by Principal, Dr. Suman Sardana and presided over by Dr. Yashurai Tayal. Other faculty members were also there for attending the workshop.

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