Jugaadin News

HiDM organizing a Seminar on ways to manage Digital Footprints on July 22

Details of Seminar on Ways to manage digital footprints

Seminar on ways to manage Digital Footprints

In its attempt to make youth digitally strong, HiDM- Hisar Institute of Digital Marketing is organizing a seminar on ways to manage Digital footprints. The seminar will be hosted by Er. Manmohan Singla Director- HiDM and CEO- Jugaadin Digital Services Pvt Ltd. Seminar on Digital footprints will be held on July 22 at Hisar Institute of Digital Marketing.

While informing, Er. Manmohan Singla said, “A digital footprint is an impression a user leaves on the internet as a result of their online activities. Online activities include anything like browsing, publishing content, and interacting with others. These impressions can be positive or negative, intentional and unintentional. He further said, there are numerous reasons why we should all be concerned about our digital footprints and how it represents us.

The seminar will highlight various ways to manage digital footprints and how to save yourself from getting vulnerable to internet fraud.

Interested Candidates can register for free on the link given here to attend the HiDM Seminar in Hisar. Limited seats are there.

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