Jugaadin News

Ek Kadam Zindagi ki Aur NGO motivates youth through Blood Donation Awareness Campaign

Blood donation awareness campaign

Blood donation awareness campaign

On the occasion of the International Blood Donation day on June 14, Ek Kadam Zindagi ki Aur NGO organizing a Blood Donation Camp in Hisar at Aggrasain Bhawan.

In order to motivate youth and inculcate the importance of blood donation in them, the team members Rakesh Khandelwal, Vikram, and Manmohan Singla of Ek Kadam Zindagi ki Aur NGO today spread awareness among youth. They organised blood donation awareness seminars at Ranbhoomi Academy, Career Power, & Career Booster and motivate young blood to come forward for the blood donation.

While addressing, Er. Manmohan Singla, Director HiDM, said,” Youth is the power of a country and can do anything if they are determined to. By donating blood, you can save one’s life while staying healthy. If you donate a unit of blood, you can save three lives.

Blood donation Awareness Campaign in Hisar

He also described the various benefits and myths related to blood donation. Donating blood can reveal potential health problems, reduces harmful iron stores, may lower the risk of suffering a heart attack, and help the liver to stay healthy.

Rakesh Khandelwal, an active team member of the NGO told, “Youth can work with our NGO and help the needy ones. Our helpline number 9992500102 is 24*7 active and we request you to spread it to everyone so that the blood demand in an emergency situation can be fulfilled and someone’s life can be saved.

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