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Best questions to ask at the end of an Interview

Congratulations! You’ve landed an interview.  Now you will start preparing for the interview questions that might be asked from you. But interview is not just the way to answers the questions being asked by the interviewer. At the end, there is a session where you can ask questions about the company, its culture, rules and regulations and working of the organization. This session is necessary to get an insight about the company and necessary skills required for the applied position.

It will leave a strong impression on the interviewer and make you best from the rest.

1)            What are the daily tasks for this job?

 Although you are familiarized with the job description, but asking about day-to-day expectations for the job can give you a better idea of job profile.

To work happily, knowing company culture is extremely important. If the culture of the company doesn’t fit your needs, or you don’t feel comfortable in the environment, you aren’t going to be happy with the job. This includes how co—workers interact, dress code, behavioural conduct, timings etc.  

Asking this question allows you to see if you meet the expectations for the position. It also gives you an idea of what qualities and characteristics the company values in their team members. This will give you an idea about which traits to focus on.

When you will accept the job, you will look for long term goals with short term goals. If you know where you’d like to be in a few years, you want to be sure the decisions you’re making now will bring you closer to getting there.

Each organization have their own process of following up with candidates after the interview process. While someone will let you know through contact, some by emails. Thus, asking this question will help you to clear your mind and less stress on further communication mechanism.

Thus, these can be some of the questions that you can ask to an interviewer but there are some questions too that you shouldn’t ask like about salary and other perks. Don’t ask a question that makes you look unprepared.


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