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Coronavirus: Ayurvedic Immunity Boosting Measures during COVID-19 pandemic

Ayurvedic Measures to Boost your Immunity

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, the entire mankind is suffering worldwide. Along with the necessary guidelines of social distancing and hand washing, it is also necessary to take extra care of your body’s natural defense mechanism i.e. your immunity. As there is no medicine invented for coronavirus so far, so it is good to take preventive measures to boost your immunity system.

 Ayurveda is a plant-based science that passes on the gifts of nature to stay healthy and happy. Ayurveda knowledge is gained through daily regimens or seasonal regimens. The Ministry of AYUSH has released Ayurveda approved practices that can help you in making your immunity strong, especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic. It is recommended to follow these practices to maintain your immunity during the times of the coronavirus pandemic.


1.General measures


2. Immune boosting measures


3. During Dry cough/ Sore Throat

    4. Daily Ayurvedic practices to follow

These simple ayurvedic practices can be followed every day whether you have any COVID-19 symptoms or not. These measures recommended by ayurvedic experts across the nation.

Information source: http://ayush.gov.in/event/ayurveda-immunity-boosting-measures-self-care-during-covid-19-crisis
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