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5 tips to start minimalistic living


What is minimalism?

Minimalism is a trending concept. In today’s modern life we have forgotten to spare time and find joy in small things like spending time with our loved ones or learning something new. We’re too busy in engulfing physical, digital and mental clutter that leads to stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction.

 Minimalism is a concept is to live with less. Minimalism living is the process to identify essential things in your life and eliminate the rest. Minimalism has no set of rules or standards that you must follow, it is just like a thing that is essential for one person may have no importance for others.  Minimalism is unique and personal to the person living it. To begin with the minimalistic lifestyle, there are few tips

5 tips to start minimalistic living

1.Know your priorities

The concept of minimalism is to remove distractions so you can focus on what matters most to you. We are so indulged in our regular activities that we easily lose sight of priorities. Make minimalism your objective, explore your home, your life, the way you live and see which things you can cut back. It may look tough once, but once you did, it will make your life easy. For example: remove clothes from your closet that you don’t wear, learn something new to boost your career, or taking better care of yourself could be a priority. It is basically about making choices about what short-term and long-term priorities.

2. De-clutter

Decluttering is most important to have a minimalistic life. Decluttering is about getting rid of the things that you don’t want and keeping things you love. Go through every corner of your house, desk work, and car. The best way to start decluttering is to start by removing small and duplicate objects.

Only removing physical clutter is not sufficient removing mental clutter is also important. Mental clutter can be anything that gives you stress or don’t coordinate with the priorities you have set. For example your never-ending to-do list or a relationship that doesn’t make you feel good.

3. Think before you buy

Next time you go out for shopping, ask yourself 3 questions before buying:

If you are buying something, buy it for the best quality. This will stop you from spending unnecessarily and what you buy will last longer and result in less clutter. Minimalist living is not about wants but needs.4

4. Purge Regularly

It is a life fact that how hard we try, things start to pile up; so it is important to repeat the decluttering process. Purge can be done in different forms like once in a month remove expired or old items from your kitchen that you don’t need. By doing such activities we can utilize our time and it will make our kitchen look better. In the same way, if we remove unnecessary thoughts from our minds than we can live with a free mind.5

5. Be grateful for what you have

Minimalist living is to be grateful for the things you have. Look around your surroundings, find joy in small things and be satisfied with what you have. A small painting hanging on the wall can also make you smile. When you feel grateful for everything you have, the desire to have more disappears.

A minimalist lifestyle is about what matters most to you, then removing everything that gets in the way of living this way of life. Start by taking small steps but keep it regular. The above minimalist lifestyle tips will help you to begin with minimalism and can make your life simple.

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