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02 October Gandhi Jayanti- Nation’s Father Birthday

Mahatma Gandhi birthday

On 2nd October 2019, the whole Nation will gather to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

Not every fight is won with strength and guns, some are won with the heart, mind, and will of the fighters. One of these is a fight for independence in India and under the leadership of a Mahatma, the thinly built man wearing a dhoti and a shawl known as Mahatma Gandhi. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd of the October 1869 in Porbander, Gujarat. This year in 2019 on the same day of 2nd October the world will gather to celebrate the 150th birth anniversery of the saint.

Mahatma Gandhi whose role in the freedom struggle was unparalleled  whose devotion and love for his country were so deep that his title of” father of the nation” tells us everything.

Today we are here to celebrate the birth of a leader whose work and love for the country led to one of the greatest freedom struggles in the world. Now, 2nd October is not only celebrated as Gandhi Ji’s birthday but also the day we look behind to see how far we’ve come and looked forward to how far we are supposed to go to fulfill the dream of the nation’s father saw when he fights for us. His dream of non-discriminant India to protect the interest of different caste, religion, color, to have unity between the people and equality in their views.

Gandhi’s vision for clean India is carried out in the form of Swach Bharat mission. For the past 5 years, 2nd October is also recognized as the day marked for the start of the execution of this mission. Every year on 2nd October masses of people gather in their localities to pay respect to Mahatma Gandhi and also to clean their surroundings.

Gandhi Ji was the leader who not only led India to freedom but his vision also led independent India on the path of development and prosperity. In whole world, Mahatma Gandhi is seen as not only a great activist and nationalist but also as a figure of non-violence and politeness and as the inspiration of change for good, as he always said: “You must be the change you want to see in the world”.

Image Source: Google
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