Yoga for sleeping disorders: Yoga Awareness

3 years ago

Yoga has pawed its way in every aspect of human life such that people cannot bypass the benefits yoga offers in modern-day times. Stress, anxiety, everyday fatigue, nearly a quarter of people are facing it in their day to day life.

Yoga proves to be a sure shot answer for the consequences of all these late-night minds racing one commonly undergoes, results in various sleep disorders often called insomnia.

There are various therapeutic postures and Pranayam in yoga that can help you to calm your mind and improves the quality of your sleep.


Top 5 yogic postures for the sleeping disorder

  1. Wide leg forward bend

Wide leg forward bend enhances the flexibility of legs and outstretched the limbs. This posture is widely practiced in the Iyengar type of yoga. The pose is beginner-friendly and has no limitations to the senior people.

Image source : Google

Although if one poses any medical limitations, then modification in the pose with the help of a yoga teacher is recommended.

  • Strengthen the inner thighs and lower back region.
  • It improves blood flow in the head and hence calms the mind.
  • It improves digestive health as it tones the abdominal of the muscles of the body.
  • Ensure a sufficient amount of oxygen to the mind and relieves mild depression.

How to do

Sit with your leg comfortably apart. Take a deep breath, exhale, and bend forward. Place your arms on the floor and support yourself. Try to touch your head on the ground. Breath normally in the position. Inhale and come back to the normal

  1. Extended dog pose

This yogic posture proves to be one of the most effective yoga postures to cancel out all the side effects of your monotonous desk job. The posture strengthens your back, stretches your arms, and relaxes your neck and shoulder muscles.

  • The posture includes placing your forehead on the mat, which results in the stimulation of the pituitary gland in the body and helps to strengthen your biological clock.
  • The backbend in the posture promotes flexibility in the spine and helps the practitioner to improve their quality of sleep by removing stiffness from all over the body.

How to do

Keep your body in the table position and roll forward your arms and the upper half of the body, keep your hips in perpendicular to the ground or in alignment with the knees. Flat your feet and stretch them forwards, on the opposite side, stretch your arms and try to touch your head on to the floor. Make sure your hip won’t lean forwards. Take a few breaths in the position and then relax and come back to the table position.

  1. Big toe pose

Big toe pose is an all-time favorite of any yoga session you came across and is the most challenging one too. The pose may have modification based on your physical limitations if any. The pose works well in reducing sleep disorders and proves one of the greatest poses for blood circulation in the head region.

Image source : dailyhunt
  • The pose tones your liver, kidneys, and abdomen muscles, which results in improved digestion.
  • Practicing yoga regularly activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and releases the long hold feelings that result in a free state of mind. 
  • The stretch in the back improves flexibility of the spine and promotes circulation in the body.

How to do

Stand straight with your shoulders nicely spaced and stretched. Look forward and lift your hands upwards and inhale as deep as you can, fill the air in your lungs and now bend forward while exhaling and try to touch your hands to the ground and your forehead touching below the knees. Make sure your buttocks and heels should follow a straight line perpendicular to the ground. Hold the posture as long as you can, and try to stretch even more. Now inhale and come back to the standing position through the inhalation process. 

  1. Cat-cow stretch

Cat-cow stretch is another yoga posture dedicated to enhancing the flexibility of the spine. a flexible spine ensures a healthy body and develops mindful coordination with the body. It is important to keep the spine at rest while sleeping, and the workability of the spine determines the quality of your sleep at many levels.

Image source : Pinterest
  • Cat stretch not only works on the lower back region but also tones the muscles related to the digestive system and ensures healthy digestion which eventually results in eliminating the min-night carvings and promotes sound sleep.
  • Practicing cat-cow stretch also tones your shoulder and neck region and promotes healthy brain cells that result in releasing stress and anxiety of the body.

How to do

Make a table position completely balanced and exhale by arching your spine upwards. Keep your eyes closed and try to exhale as much as you can. You can breathe slightly deeper than normal and hold the posture as long as you can. Now inhale and arch your spine downwards and stretch your front portion of the body. You can hold the stretch as long as possible for you, and breathe slightly deeper than normal every time. Try practicing three times in one go if you beginner

  1. Butterfly pose

Butterfly pose is usually practiced in a kundalini yoga sequence and has both mental and physical benefits. Butterfly poses on physical level tones the inner thigh muscles and nourishes the abdomen region of the practitioner, which results in strengthening the digestive system and thigh muscles of the body.

  • Butterfly pose activates the kundalini energy, said to be present in the lower region of the spine, and ensures the health of the body
  • Practicing a butterfly pose regulates the air present in the body and helps to release trapped air from the body.
  • Regular doing of butterfly pose strengthens the knees and ankle joints.   

How to do

Sit with your spine straight and let your feet touching each other toe to toe. Place your hands on the front part of your feet by crossing your fingers with each other, such that your thumbs are crossing each other and placed on to your big toe. Now swing your legs by taking your knees up and down. Focus on the movements of swing and try to touch your thighs on the floor. You can do the pose starting from 2 to 10 minutes as comfortable for you.


Different people have different reasons for insomnia, the most common are mental health disorders,  medical conditions, consumption of alcohol or caffeine, etc. Yoga works well on the mental as well as physical aspects of life. Practicing the following poses works as a therapy for your sleep disorder, calms your mind, and ensures sound sleep. It is important to sleep well to function better, as the body needs restfulness, and practicing yoga regularly creates a distance from the stress and anxiety you face. It ensures freedom on the level of mind and body. So, keep reading and keep practicing!

{Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. does not claim responsibility for this information. }

Deepshikha Gupta

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