30 caring tips for newborn baby

Newborn: 30 caring tips for first 30 days of the baby

3 years ago

The first cry of your newborn can make you feel excited and give some traction also.

The happiness of having the baby in your family gets balanced when you start caring for your baby’s needs. Caring for a baby is exhausting and demanding, but it’s also one of the most beautiful and satisfying experiences of your life.

The first 30 days with your newborn are challenging as the child wants to feed frequently and has unpredictable sleeping patterns. You may lose your confidence as you are unable to sleep properly and not feeding the child as he wants.  So to boost your confidence and positivity, we’re providing 30 easy tips for caring for the first 30days of a newborn baby.

30 caring tips for 30 day’s baby:

1. Seek Help when you require: Being a new mother, asking for support when needed is essential. You may be confused about breastfeeding strategies or baby signs, then asking your pediatrician, nurse, your mother or grandma will make the change easier for you and your baby.

2. Learn the baby caring tips before the arrival of the baby. For this, you can attend a child development class or a birthing class provided by many hospitals and clinics for the expected mothers. In this, you will learn basic child caring skills.

3. Baby’s hunger has no time. So you have to be prepared every minute because a hungry child is impossible to manage. So doctors suggest before breastfeeding, take your time to relax, have water, go for a pee as you don’t know how much time baby is going to take in feeding.

4. Cold press: After nursing the baby for milk, if your nipples get sore then apply an ice pack to get relief from sore breasts.

5. Warm press: the warm compress is needed when your milk ducts are blocked and milk is not available for the baby’s feed. Applying heat can facilitate the milk flow or open the blocked ducts.

6.  Take a nap when baby sleep: Take enough sleep when your baby is sleeping. As the baby has only two things to do- eat and sleep but you have other things on hand too. So try to take a nap when the baby is sleeping to avoid sleep deprivation.

7. Shifting system: it is not possible for a nursing mother to take care of the child for the whole day and night. So make shifts at night with your partner in feeding your baby. This will help you to take some sleep. Your partner can feed the child through bottle milk.

8. Try everything to make your child fall asleep whether it’s a lullaby, rocking chair, or swinging in arms, do make him relax in any situation

9. A 30-day infant is restless and fussy in nature. To make him relaxed, swaddle, swing, and allow him to suck his thumb.

10. Also, you can play soothing music to calm the baby. The rhythm of the music makes your child relax and able to make him concentrate on where the beats are coming.

11. Newborns are very scared when it comes to diaper changes. Before changing the diaper, warming up wipes or paper towels helps to soothe your kid.

12. While holding your baby, make sure your back is completely stretched rather than arched or. Many mothers have had back problems in the first two years of their child’s life because they have not taken care while holding the child in the first 30 days after delivery. A balanced posture will help to work well in the years to come.

13. Don’t shake your child during the first 6 months while handling or playing as excessive shaking can cause damage to the brain.

14. Don’t overdress your baby while taking him out. Overdressing can make him feel uncomfortable.

15. Don’t take advice from everyone. Being parents you know what is best for your baby and if you would like to take suggestions always consider asking a pediatrician or professional. 

16.  Maintaining a regular proper schedule for feeding the baby is essential. Timely feeding helps in proper growth of the child.

17. A 30- day child is tricky to handle as he is not able to keep head and neck steady of his own. So while handling, give enough support beneath his head and neck to hold him.

18. Don’t give your baby to people who are ill or infected with any ailment. Small babies easily catch viral and bacterial infections.

19. You should also wash and sanitize your hands before handling your infant. Make sure your hands are clean at all times to prevent any infection.

20. Burping is necessary to prevent vomit later. Burping the baby after feeding helps to remove any gas absorbed with breast milk. To burp your baby, cradle him/her upright against your side, with the head resting on your back. Gently rub your child’s back before he or she burps.

21. To prevent diaper rash, frequently change the diapers. If rashes still occur, then use anti-rash cream on them.

22. For some days, keep yourself away from the greasy and spicy food as the food you will eat directly affects the health of the child because he is taking your breast milk. So keep yourself healthy with fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods, etc.

23. Always wash the baby clothes with a mild detergent or with soap having antibacterial effect to protect him from any infection.

24. The baby’s sleeping area should be clean and clutter-free. Provide him a natural environment to linger on.

25. It’s really important to trust your instincts. Although you’re a ‘new mother,’ the fact is, you’ve been taking care of your baby in your womb for the past 9 months. If you suspect like your child is ill or needs support, trust your intuition and call your pediatrician. No one can understand a child better than his mother.

26. Take care of Immunizations of your baby for the first month. So keep inquiring where you want to get this done.

27. Keep a timely check on the baby’s growth. Most babies regain birth weight within the first 2 weeks after birth and if you don’t see such development, speak to your pediatrician.

28. Track your baby’s eyes, brain, and stimulus development by establishing eye contact and their movement towards voice direction.

29. If your baby is premature born or ill, don’t try to feed more. Let him gauge the amount of milk he is satisfied with.

30. Don’t use baby products that are harsh and chemically strong. They can cause harm to the delicate and soft skin of your child. Always go for natural or organic products or try to use homemade packs for bathing the child.

No matter you have become parents for the first time or the second time, the main thing is that caring baby during the first month or first 30days seems a different war to you. So you can keep in mind these 30 caring tips while handling your newborn and have a happy postpartum life. 

Also read: 14-tips-to-stay-healthy-during-pregnancy

Sapra Multispeciality hospital

Jugaadin News

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