How to get Started on preparing a Great Resume / CV

5 years ago

  • What exactly should I have in my Resume / CV?
  • How should I get started in Preparing my Resume?

Most of the young students and working professionals have the above 2 questions while they get started. It has been observed that student’s take-up the CV’s of their friends and copy paste which is a big blunder where it does not reflect his personality.

From a recent survey from a leading HR Firm from recruiters and students on the issue of CV/Resume are:

  • 80% of the CV get rejected within 2 minutes
  • 85% of the CV lack originality
  • Many of them copy pasted from others sources & does not reflect the individual’s capability
  • 70% of the Students are not sure how to get started (Starting Trouble)
  • Poor Formatting & Presentation
  • What things should & should not be present in the CV

Most of the issues that students are facing is there is no one who can guide them on the basic requirements that they must have before even thinking to attempt any interview or job application.

The following elements need to be very clear in your Resume / CV:

  • Contact Information:The most consistent element in the CV & your contact details must be outlined near the top very clearly (Phone, E-mail & Physical address)
  • Career Objective:Resume introduction can be used by anyone to give an illustration on your objective in 3-4 Lines; it is strongly advisable to make it relevant to the company/sector & position. (I mean you cannot have a strong technical ambition for a managerial or sales position)
  • Relevant to Position & Sector: Make the resume and tailor it to meet the needs and requirements of the employer. Absolutely NO – One size fits all!
  • Work Experience:Illustrate all your Work (also Internship) Experiences, Accomplishments, Tenure, Duration, Location etc. along with lessons learnt and how you contributed to that particular role.(It is highly recommended to make this highlighted a lot; be consistent and chronological)
  • Additional Skills: Your skills section must be used to highlight personal attributes that you are proud&add a WOW Factor, be it leadership, Software, Team Building, or anything that reflects yourself.
  • Education: Your degrees (any) and certifications (if relevant) should be highlighted
  • Notable Coursework: It is always good to have a few notable Coursework that you have taken as a part of your Education and the projects that you have taken-up as a part of it. MAP these to the skills you have developed & to the position that you are applying to.
  • Awards & Honors: Be sure to mention your most impressive example/s that could tell more about you and add a WOW Factor.

Thus, these are some of the many things that are required for sure in your CV. Candidate can take the help of academies that Guides, Mentors, Inspires, Motivates Students on various factors and give a 360 Degree perspective on how to write a CV and be presentable at an interview.

Seema Jain

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